The Small Still Voice of God 1st Kings 19:12 27 January - TopicsExpress


The Small Still Voice of God 1st Kings 19:12 27 January 2015 Lonnie Jones Good Morning My Friend! Tuesday, 27th of January 2015 and this month and year keeps on marching on. As Kiko and I walked this morning with the temperature at 30 degrees and in the covering of snow that fell overnight I thought about my relationship with the Lord God Almighty and His Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I thought about how He speaks to me. Most often it is through His Word. I love the scriptures since they provide us with comfort, with peace, but most importantly, with instruction and guidance on how we are to approach our challenges and opportunities of life. As I reflected on this relationship with my God and Lord, I thought about the many, many times that in my prayers and even other times, when He literally and audibly spoke to me as if He was right beside me. Reminds me of Elijah in 1st Kings. He had just called the fire down from Heaven that has consumed the prophets of Baal and slew them, then called the rains from Heaven to end the drought. Then Jezebel sent word to him that she was going to have his head, so after all of these miracles, Elijah reverted to being a mere human being by fearing for his life as he ran and hide in a cave. It was after this that God started speaking to him. So here the story goes. In 1st Kings 19:12 the bible says this, “And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” So God passed by Elijah there on the mountain and spoke to him telling him his next mission. The ESV bible translates this way, “And after the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire the sound of a low whisper.” So, I know that God speaks to us in a whisper or small still voice. And…as I said above, I have had those times over the years and when I listened and obeyed, God performed just as He said He would. For example, one morning in prayer He told me to go to this couple and lead them to Christ. So later that day, just as God scripted it, Barbara and I went to visit this couple and sure enough, we led them to repentance and confessing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In having said all of that, I believe that the Lord wants us to function free of stress. Our Prince of Peace has for us a majestic quality of serenity and composure to exhibit to a tense and hyper world. The nonbeliever living in that tension-filled climate of stress and anxiety is unable to cope with life’s hassle and stress. The Christian, by contrast, has been promised quietness and assurance forever as Isaiah 32:17 tells us, “And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance (confidence) forever.” What an awesome promise! Amen! Therefore, we Christians should be and are like an island of peace in a sea of turmoil. The “still small voice” represents to us a total absence of agitation or anxiety, disturbance, confusion or uncertainty, in other words, a lack of turmoil. We have something to give to a world that is in trouble and desperately calling for help. So, in tying a bow around this message, the significance of the still small voice in Elijah’s case can be measured by the end result it produced. After heeding it, his depression was gone, he courage was revived, his calling as a prophet of God was restored, and most of all, his strength to carry on was renewed. He was able to return to the race of performing God’s work and calling in his life without fear and…with a new appreciation of God’s gentle direction and guidance. The same still small voice could be speaking to you and me today. Could It is the voice of God, of His Son Jesus, saying to us; “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Matthew 11:29-30.” So today, be still and listen! God may be speaking to you! Have a productive day in the Lord and delight yourselves in Him. Be that light for Jesus Christ and take on this stance! “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!” In His Love Lonnie
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:27:38 +0000

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