The Smart Witch Summary of the Wiccan Rede: You must keep the - TopicsExpress


The Smart Witch Summary of the Wiccan Rede: You must keep the laws of witchcraft with an attitude of perfect love and trust. Respect people and Nature. Treat them as you wish to be treated. Witches generally cast a circle within which they perform magic. Casting once is sufficient for protection. Casting three times, however, respects the tradition of the three phases of the Goddess and the God. Also, three is a magical number, and it represents creativity. While it is not necessary to manifesting your magical intent, speaking spells in rhyme actually gives your conscious mind something to do. This lets your unconscious tap into your energy and that of the Goddess and the God, and so magic is done! Be gentle. Listen. When the Moon is waxing – getting bigger – move around the magic circle clockwise to attract good things to yourself. When the Moon is waning – getting smaller – move counterclockwise to remove negativity. Wolfsbane is a poisonous plant. When the Moon is new and has just become visible after being dark, salute the Lady. Welcomee her by kissing your first two fingers. When the Moon is full, pursue your heart’s desire – you can ask anything of him or her at this time of month. Various elements are associated with the four main compass directions: North, East, South and West. Nine kinds of magical wood may be burned in the cauldron during rituals: apple, birch, fir, hawthorn, hazel, oak, rowan, vine and willow. But elder wood is never to be burned, as elder trees are those of the Lady. In honor of her, elder trees always are spared. The turning of the Wheel is the cycle of the year. Beltane, on May 1st, is one of the major Sabbats (holidays) of the year. The Yule is another Sabbat, and falls at the time of the winder solstice. Be mindful and respectful of Nature, for the Lady’s sake. Observe what happens when a stone is cast into water: the ripples spread out. Likewise, your actions send out ripples that affect everyone and everything. Do not be swayed by profit. Do not accept money for magical workings. You will be associated with the company you keep. It is good to be among friends. Be mindful of the Threefold Law: whatever you do comes back to you three times (three times the power, positive or negative, with which you sent it out). When you are in trouble, visualize a blue pentagram (five pointed star) on your forehead; this will protect you. Be loyal in love. But if your love isn’t true to you, forget about him or her. Eight words sum up the creed: if it harms no one (including yourself), do what you want. © thesmartwitch,com/The_Smart_Witch_Magic_Spells.html Rhi )O(
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:51:12 +0000

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