The Soapbox - As I have waded through all the political - TopicsExpress


The Soapbox - As I have waded through all the political rhetoric handed out by our government, after comparing stocks I charted over the last 5 years to 7 years ago, I shamefully announce that this country will enter into a worse recession than the previous one of which, by my calculations we are still in. Ponder this: Its called the debt. Its $17.3 trillion, heading for 20, and at some point the people who have loaned us 20 trillion bucks will say youve got a dysfunctional government and youve got a Congress that doesnt work. The United States owes more money to various countries (China being our biggest creditor) than any other country. I assure you readers that there is a debt cap that non-allies and allies have set before someone shuts us down. We do not have the power to fend off a financial attack because we gave away that power once we entered the trade agreements with various other countries. The mighty dollar which was once the standard medium for valuing other currencies has lost its foothold the Euro dollar. Even Mexicos peso stands up to the American dollar better than it has in a century. Yeah, yeah. Blah, blah, blah. What is the penultimate answer? That would be second-to-last for all yall since I tend to lean towards verbosity on occasion. That answer is to devaluate the dollar. What? Horrors! OMG!! LMAO!! ROFLMAO!!! Kill our dollar??? Say it aint so. If you havent watched what the Federal Reserve is doing, its already happening. Forcing the interest rate down on banks that borrow is not going to fix the problem. This tactic delays the inevitable; total financial collapse. Our own government is investing in the Euro dollar!!!!! Heres another quirk......when was the last time you wrote out checks for all your bills? If you are like me, I pay all my bills with a credit or debit card. Go buy something.......the cashier always asks, Will that be debit or credit? Yo, ever heard of cash? Pretty soon drug dealers and hookers will be asking the same question; will that be debit or credit? Having said that, what will your statement reflect? On this date, your debit card was charged $800.00 for 1 pound of Grade B marijuana. Perfect. Harry Browne wrote way back in the 70s in How To Profit from the Coming Devaluation that America would move to a cashless society by the end of the century. He wrote that American currency would most likely be electronic in some form and that we will see less and less of our own currency. Browne flirted with writing that our government will ever increasingly use what is termed in accounting as float. Basically float is that time that it takes a financial institution to exchange the information necessary to clear a monetary transaction with another financial institution. Its like writing checks in advance of money coming in, between deposits. A deposit is made; checks are written against the deposit before the deposit actually clears the Automatic Clearing House (ACH). Float was killed when people caught on to it and deposited a check in an account in one bank then went to another bank and withdrew it all. Now, that little mag stripe on the back of your debit/credit card sends a codec to actually verify funds making the monetary transaction instantaneous. The thought here was that by decreasing the amount of cash flowing on the street, so to speak, electronic transactions would bolster the economy. Well, nice thought. Devaluating the U.S. dollar to actual purchase power will destroy us. Our government hasnt figured out how not to do business on float as evidenced by 17 trillion dollars we dont have to muster our debt. This being a penultimate answer, here comes the second part. Bring our businesses back to the U.S. that have left due to government interference. Force the trade issue back in our direction by telling Wal Mart and all the rest of the retailers it must by American grown produce and meats. Support ranchers and farmers in the heartland with no interest government subsidies. Hell, were rebuilding mosques and forgiving all the war reparations we are owed so forget the world and take care of us. Okay then......the ultimate answer? War. Unfriend me now and block me if you wish however think about it. Instead all this nonsense diplomacy and gaseous and nauseating talks that you and I pay for, make a statement by bringing home all our outsourced work, reduce our own exports by 25% and turn that back to our own country and workers thereby becoming more self-reliant and sustainable. Stop horsing around in Afghanistan and Russia and just be direct. Dont play the war card; make it very clear by wiping out Iran and dont say anything. If somebody asks, just answer oooooppps.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:10:24 +0000

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