The Sour Fruit Of Panic Tuesday 22, October 2013 TEXT: 1 KINGS - TopicsExpress


The Sour Fruit Of Panic Tuesday 22, October 2013 TEXT: 1 KINGS 15:16-24 KEY VERSE: “Then Asa took all ...the treasures of the house of the LORD...and delivered them into the hand of his servants: and king Asa sent them to Benhadad, the son of Tabrimon, the son of Hezion, king of Syria, that dwelt at Damascus...” (1 Kings 15:18). Christian Nestell Bovee defined panic as “a desertion of us, and a going over to the enemy of our imagination.” Decisions and actions taken in panic, therefore, often prove foolish and, in some cases, disastrous. King Asa was at the head of one of the greatest reformations witnessed in Judah. His zeal for God was so fervent that he dethroned his mother from being queen for her involvement in idolatry. He purged Judah of idolatry and sodomy and set up a framework for proper worship of God and “did that which was right in the sight of the LORD.” But apart from his failure to destroy all sacrifice altars, he dented his track record by one panicky action. When his arch rival, Baasha, king of Israel, attacked Judah and set out to build Ramah to prevent the Israelites from crossing over to Judah, Asa sought the intervention of Benhadad, king of Syria. He sent to him the precious vessels which he had dedicated to the Lord in the unholy alliance. That was a cost too high for the help of man. Where was Asa’s faith or was God incapable of delivering Judah? Situations that produce pressure and panic occur in family, social, job or ministry contexts. At such times, it will be wise to pause and weigh possible options and their implications before taking a decision or action. Do not exchange your consecrated values to a “Benhadad” just for the prospect of making a gain, getting a job, promotion or overcoming a challenge. Think again. God is enough for you. THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Panic and fear resume duty when faith is on leave.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:14:26 +0000

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