The Spartans were known for their brevity and dry wit. Their style - TopicsExpress


The Spartans were known for their brevity and dry wit. Their style of speech became known as Laconic speech Examples of Laconic Phrases The Greek historian Plutarch wrote an extensive collection of the sayings of the Spartans. Here’s a few excerpts from this collection: Agis, in answer to the ambassador from Abdera, who, after winding up a long discourse asked him what report he should make to his people at home, said, “Report that during all the time you wanted to speak I listened in silence.” He (Agis) said that the Spartans did not ask ‘how many are the enemy,’ but ‘where are they?’ When someone inquired how many Spartans there were, he said, “Enough to keep all bad men away.” In answer to a base man who asked repeatedly who was the best Spartan, he said, “The one most unlike you.” (Anaxandridas) To a man who told the Ephors of things that were needful, but spoke at greater length than would have sufficed, he said, “My friend, in needless time you dwell upon the need!” When another person asked why the Spartans, in their wars, ventured boldly into danger, he said, “Because we train ourselves to have regard for life and not, like others, to be timid about it.” In answer to the Athenian who called the Spartans unlearned, he said, “At any rate we are the only people who have learned no evil from you.” When Dionysius, the despot of Sicily, sent costly raiment to Archidamus’ daughters, he would not accept it, saying, “I am afraid that, if the girls should put it on, they would appear ugly to me.” Observing that his son was fighting impetuously against the Athenians, he said, “Either add to your strength, or subtract from your courage.” Archidamus, the son of Agesilaus, when Philip, after the battle of Chaeroneia, wrote him a somewhat haughty letter, wrote in reply, “If you should measure your own shadow, you would not find that it has become any greater than before you were victorious.” Brasidas caught a mouse among some figs, and, when he got bitten, let it go. Then, turning to those who were present, he said, “There is nothing so small that it does not save its life if it has the courage to defend itself against those who would lay hand on it.” (1) How Laconic Speech Can Help You 1. It’s efficient: You’ll save time, effort, and frustration by learning to communicate efficiently, whether you want to use laconic speech to write minimalist literature, surprise people with dry wit, or to simply be a clear and effective communicator. 2. Laconic speech cuts useless babble: Have you ever gotten caught up in a conversation that you find yourself frantically thinking of a good excuse to get out of? Don’t be that guy. Keeping your stories brief and concise while retaining their entertainment value is a skill worth mastering. 3. It’s effective: After reading the Spartan use of laconic wording, it’s hard to deny the effectiveness of laconic dialogue. 4. Laconicism builds a sharp wit: Wit is often used to tear people down, but that’s the lesser use. Quick wit can be a valuable tool in helping a friend save face, lightening the mood, or speaking persuasively. 5. It makes your words more relevant: Often, laconic wording takes advantage of universal emotional connotations attached to specific words or groups of words. This makes your communication far more relevant, as the people listening or reading are able to attach their own definition to the words you use. Hemingway’s 6 word story is a great example of this: “For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.” 6. Laconic phrases mean more: Especially as others become accustomed to your habit of speaking in brief, meaningful language. Words from a “man of few words” hold more weight than the words of a rambler. -Josh
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 07:51:40 +0000

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