The Speaker of Parliament yesterday asked the Rules Committee to - TopicsExpress


The Speaker of Parliament yesterday asked the Rules Committee to investigate the continued absence and “indiscipline conduct” of UDPF representative, Gen David Sejusa. Addressing Parliament, Speaker Rebecca Kadaga said she reached the decision after Gen Sejusa failed to heed to her call to report back to the House within 24 hours. “He has not responded to my summonses. He has not showed up and he has not communicated to me why he has not showed up,” the Speaker said giving the committee up to October 10, to report to the House. A fortnight ago, the Speaker asked the army representative to report to the House after failing to attend over 15 sittings. Gen Sejusa had earlier on requested the Speaker for an extension of his leave to enable him stay away for another three weeks. However, the Speaker wrote to denying him the leave extension. “I hereby give you a warning for your continued absence from the House and accordingly require that you attend the house at the next sitting of Parliament,” the Speaker’s letter read to the House read. By referring Gen Sejusa’s case to the committee, Ms Kadaga has kick started an official process that could see the soldier kicked out of Parliament. Gen Sejusa, the coordinator of intelligence agencies, ran into trouble with the regime over a letter he wrote to the director general of the Internal Security Organisation, asking him to investigate claims of a plot to assassinate senior government officials thought to be opposed to the “Muhoozi Project”. Last week, his lawyer, Mr Joseph Luzige, said the general, has lined up five lawyers to represent him at the committee once hearings commence. Rules on leaving: House rules dictate that if a member persists in absenting himself from sittings after being warned by the Speaker, the case is referred to the committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline. The member, under investigation, is entitled to be heard in person or to be represented by a lawyer of his choice. The rules further state that if the committee proves the allegations referred to it against a member, it will table a report in the House for debate on the basis of the findings. If the entire House votes to support the recommendation of the committee, then Gen Sejusa will cease to be an MP. The army will then propose a replacement.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 03:43:09 +0000

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