The Spirit Tuning Fork of the Soul - THE TUNING FORK OF - TopicsExpress


The Spirit Tuning Fork of the Soul - THE TUNING FORK OF GOD First, let me say some words about what is a tuning fork, and its purpose or why it is used. From Wikipedia, I found this description: A tuning fork is an acoustic resonator in the form of a two-pronged fork with the prongs (tines) formed from a U-shaped bar of elastic metal (usually steel). It resonates at a specific constant pitch when set vibrating by striking it against a surface or with an object, and emits a pure musical tone after waiting a moment to allow some high overtones to die out. The pitch that a particular tuning fork generates depends on the length of the two prongs. Its main use is as a standard of pitch to tune other musical instruments. The main reason for using the fork shape is that, unlike many other types of resonators, it produces a very pure tone, with most of the vibrational energy at the fundamental frequency, and little at the overtones (harmonics). Now, I dont need to dig further in this science of the resonance phenomena, but I would like to take that example to show you how deep is the meaning of the crucifixion. I want you all, brothers and sisters, remember what I am writing to you now, for the rest of your lifetime. As said above, tuning forks are very precise instruments for producing sounds at a given frequency. Tuning forks can be purchased with weighted or un-weighted ends. Weighted ends produce a stronger vibration with a louder overall sound that lasts longer and also allows you to better feel the vibration when the stem end is placed on the body. There are a wide variety of tuning forks available for all types of applications. If theres a frequency, theres a tuning fork ... Tuning forks are all designed around frequencies and the mathematical formulas that determine progressions of frequencies. Also, please take note that tuning forks used for medical purpose are called Spirit Tuning Forks... awesome! Tuning Forks and Healing - Vibrational Medicine Some practitioners use the tuning forks for healing. They say that the human body functions harmonically. The frequencies of breathing, blood circulation, the pulse, and all the activities associated with them are intended to function in harmonic balance. Since sound affects us at both the conscious and unconscious levels it has the effect of counterbalancing the physical and emotional states of the body and the mind. By using sound, the internal and external can be brought back into harmony and flexibility. The spiritual metaphor ....The Spirit Tuning Fork of God Could it be that only a person who is listening on the same spiritual frequency as the Holy Spirit is able to hear the pitch the Holy Spirit is resonating? So when the Apostle Paul was writing to the Hebrews, the words he wrote were given under the inspiration (frequency) of Christ. When we read the same words, under the same inspiration, then we feel the Holy Spirit resonate with our personal spiritual tuning fork, and the Holy Spirit lets us feel or learn what we need at the time. Being spiritually tuned is vital to feeling the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Why God used the shape of the cross is also a deep revelation. The Greek word σταυρός or stauros, Strongs Concordance Number #4716, is often translated as cross. This is an error in translation. Stauros should be translated as stake or post. The instrument of torture on which Jesus died was probably NOT in the shape of the letter T. Maybe it was simply a post or stake on which the victim was hung by nailing both hands over his head. The feet were also impaled so the victim not only suffered more pain, but also was unable to move enough to dislodge the hands. This caused suffocation if the victim did not die from other afflictions. Anyway, as far as we understand, no matter if the cross is a post or a shaped T cross, Jesus was hanged with both arms upwards. This was in order to cause suffocation until Jesus death if he did not die from other afflictions. When we see the body of Jesus, crucified on the cross (or post), look carefully at the picture we have in mind. Now, erase the wooden cross or the post behind the hanged body, and keep ONLY the body of Jesus, hanging with his two arms pulled upward and his head falling on his chest. You see the shape of the Y or U shaped fork? Dont you see the tuning fork of God ? Does it resonates at a specific constant spiritual pitch in your heart when your FAITH is set vibrating by striking it against your sinful nature? Dont you hear the pure musical tone of the Holy Spirit after waiting a moment to allow the high overtones to die out ? If your hearts frequency blends the perfect pure frequency of Christ, then you are exactly the same. Like the flame, a little one is exactly the same a large bonfire. They blend perfectly, they are of the same nature. They say and testify I and my Father are ONE! Same with the sacrifice of Jesus. You are one with him on the cross. In the Mind of Christ, you were made Holy, Sinless and perfect, once for all! (Hebrews 10:10) My frequency is the one of the Tune Fork of God ! He died because I had to die! The shape of the cross was the only way to reproduce the shape of the tree of the knowledge of the GOOD and Evil, whose 2 branches make it look like a shaped Y form. This tree of the knowledge of the GOOD and EVIL has been inherited from the fall of Adam and Eve. This tree is the old serpent seed, the sinful nature of mankind. This tree of the knowledge of the GOOD and EVIL is the victory of Abraham between his human mind and his faith. All the human religions, creeds, religious beliefs, carnal interpretations, are from that tree. __________________________ In the context: The crucifixion event is prophesied in several places throughout the Old Testament. One of the most striking is recorded in Isaiah 52:13 ,where it says that , My servant will act wisely (or prosper) . He will be raised and lifted up and greatly exalted. In John 3, Jesus talks about His fulfillment of that prophecy when He says, Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life. He refers to the events recorded in Numbers 21:6-9. The Lord had sent a plague of fiery serpents on the people of Israel and they bit the people so that many of the people died. After the people confessed their sin to Moses, the Lord for gave them by having a bronze serpent made. Bronze is a symbol for judgment and the serpent is a symbol of the curse. Whoever was bitten by a serpent and then looked at the bronze serpent, was saved from death.. These verses are prophecies that point to the crucifixion, in the Jesus would be (lifted up ) on the cross for the judgment of our sinful nature, so that whoever believed in Him should not die (an eternal death), but live an eternal life. II Cor 5 :21 amplifies this point, in that He (our Heavenly Father) made Him who knew no sin (the Son) to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Be blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:47:00 +0000

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