The Spirit of the lord woke me up this morning at around 4am and - TopicsExpress


The Spirit of the lord woke me up this morning at around 4am and took me the Book of Luke chapter 1, I read through the story of the birth of John and the announcement of the birth of Jesus. I was still pondering over what happened to Elisabeth when she heard of the conception of Mary. In verse 31 scriptures said... and behold thou shall conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call His name JESUS. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THE PHRASE I slept off not completing the chapter, I later woke up and the spirit f God said to me ‘would you like to drop your surname for what I am preparing you for…? I was still in this koinonia, when I got this… One of the things your father did for you were to give you a name because you couldn’t give yourself a name at birth. Bible records that John will be filled with the Holy Ghost before birth (now that is a gist for another day) yet he could not give himself a name at birth. The Spirit of God said to me that the ‘born again experience’ is not just coming to the altar but being born again is also a conscious state of birth and naming… This Is The Second Birth And Naming. I began to wonder why people are still stucked and so obsessed with their father’s name to open doors rather that depend on God who deals with us as individuals and singular entity… Imagine a world filled with door-openers rather than door seekers. I will end this piece with an experience I had recently… 1. A lady walked into my office yesterday, a tall beautiful lady in her mid-twenties, very good height, composed and of a fair countenance.. she had come for an interview, I notice her countenance would drop when personally questions were put to her, after the session she was good and the panel ticked her to be hired… as she left the office another visitor who came in as she was leaving quickly told us that the lady was the daughter of so and so, a company Executive in a city not far from where we were… she lost her dad a year ago. I forgot to remark, she had a good CV, went to the best of schools in her city, she graduated for the most expensive Private University in Nigeria. She was faced with the reality of life… then I could understand why her composure sagged and what sapped her vitality during the session.. I could read her mind ‘I would have been on the other side of the divide, sit in as a Board member in my father’s company and asking the questions. 2. A man said to his wife, ‘if I took my name from you, you are nothing’… meaning if my name is deleted from your name, the big cars, the gadgets, the connections and all the comfort will be a dream… was her husband right to say that?? Now back to my main point, how many of you are hiding under or beside your father’s name or your husband’s name. Now pause a while, take a look at your wardrobe and around you or even the device you are using to read this piece…. Whose name is on it or behind it… if it’s not your name just know that you do not have monopoly over it and could be taken away anytime. I have read through scriptures, nobody is identified from his surname; all you see is ‘Moses the son of…’ David the son of….’ Abraham the son of….’ Any extra information is extra explanation for us to really know who we are talking about. The educational system is crazy and full of parasite and leach, men of inferiority complex who have forced us to write our names from our surname eg. Ogim, Awo Ekpezu. Why do I have to tell you my father’s name before mine, this is so boring and is a covering-cast? Back to Luke chapter 1 ….. and behold thou shall conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son and shalt call His name JESUS. In verse 32, that was when His father’s name became necessary. I will close with my post yesterday …. If you were born with a silver or golden spoon, thank your parents for the spoon… wash the spoon, shelf if and Birth your OWN spoon – THAT’S THE REAL YOU CAVAET- - What of people whose father’s name can’t open any door? - If people have to hear your father’s name before they attend to you, you don’t have a name - All your father’s name will attract is pity not favour because very soon you will be reminded how you got there - I have seen people whose father’s name ‘did not ring a bell’ but today they forced their name to jingle - Did u notice that people do not cast out demons in the name of Jehovah??? (winks) Lol… but in the name of JESUS??? Is this a coincidence? When I have a private chat with the lady, I will tell her she got the job on HER OWN MERIT, her father’s name could not suffice. I LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING YOUR NAME… Kingdom Citizen’s Classic
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:12:06 +0000

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