The Spirit’s Transforming Power "But you will receive power - TopicsExpress


The Spirit’s Transforming Power "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;" Acts 1:8 (NIV) "Before the death of Jesus, the disciples were certain they had the strength they needed to remain faithful. They had witnessed the boldness of Christ and believed they could emulate his authority. “I am ready to die for you,” Peter said the day before he denied Jesus three times (John 13:37). “Even if everyone else deserts you, I never will” (Mark 14:29). But within hours his resolve had dissolved in fear and panic. He denied Jesus, just as the Lord had predicted. Except for Judas, all eleven disciples shared that same desire. They longed to remain faithful and thought of themselves as fiercely loyal to Jesus. But when the chips were down, they all ran into hiding. On their own power they were unable to stand against the spiritual temptations they faced. They cowered in fear at the first sign of trouble. “When the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power,” Jesus promised them (Acts 1:8). The Holy Spirit would give them the resolve to remain true to God and faithful to their convictions. He would bring a sense of supernatural authority to their lives—the ability to resist evil, to discern the truth, to wage war in the spiritual world as well as the physical one. He would give them faith and wisdom and knowledge that they could never find through their own devices. And that’s exactly what he did. When Jesus went and the Spirit came upon them, the disciples demonstrated his power forcefully and preached boldly in the streets. The once-cowering Peter was now filled with the Holy Spirit, and he began to preach so convincingly that thousands were saved in just the first few days of his ministry. He began to heal people of their infirmities, just as Jesus did. He cast out demons and took authority over the forces of evil. So great was his power that people brought the sick into the streets in hopes that Peter’s shadow would fall over them as he walked past (see Acts 5:15). The Spirit of God had transformed the disciples from mere men into supernatural warriors for the Kingdom. That same Spirit rests inside the heart of every believer today. He brings with him the power to transform us beyond our wildest dreams. He breathes into us the power to stand up against evil, the strength to resist Satan’s lies, the boldness to speak decisively on God’s behalf, the supernatural wisdom and discernment that we need, the resolve to become great warriors for the Kingdom. Where we are weak, he brings strength! Today’s Reading Acts 1:8; 5:12-16 Reflection: In what ways have you experienced the Spirit’s transforming power? What areas of your life do you need to surrender to him more fully?" Embracing Eternity: Living each day with heart toward Heaven
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 10:03:32 +0000

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