The State of the State offers an opportunity not only to reflect - TopicsExpress


The State of the State offers an opportunity not only to reflect on the year behind us, but also to look ahead. This past year, through our Sustainable Communities initiative and a 1.9 million dollar federal grant, we commissioned several studies to do just that: to look at what we can expect from the years and decades to come, and how best to prepare. And here’s what one of those studies –PolicyLink’s An Equity Profile of Rhode Island –tells us. •That the face of Rhode Island is changing. We are becoming an increasingly diverse state, and our economy is changing in turn. Consider that: • Rhode Island’s share of people of color increased from 7 percent to 24 percent between 1980 and 2010. • That all of our state’s recent population growth is attributable to people of color, who will continue to drive growth for the foreseeable future. • That by 2040, 41 percent of Rhode Island’s residents will likely be people of color, with Latinos reaching more than a quarter of the total population. • The study also says that communities of color are growing not just in our core cities, but throughout Rhode Island. • And, that today, 36 percent of Rhode Island’s youth population is people of color, while only 9 percent of our seniors are. The gap quadrupled between 1980 and 2010. This is the future of Rhode Island. And the best way to prepare for it and translate it into prosperity is to ensure that all Rhode Islanders have access to quality public education. We cannot afford to have disparity in Rhode Island where there are areas of opportunity and others where poverty and lack of education self - perpetuate and hold back our economy as a whole. It was proven by the Dorr Rebellion of 1841 and the Bloodless Ret was proven by the Dorr Rebellion of 1841 and the Bloodless Revolution of 1935 that hardworking and determined immigrants could make Rhode Island a better place to live. If we can open the doors of opportunity to those who are driving growth in our state, it will be a bright future for all, not just for some. The PolicyLink Study also said regions that embrace equity and diversity experience greater economic success. Source: 2014 State of the State/Budget Address Rhode Island Governor Lincoln D. Chafee news.providencejournal/breaking-news/2014/01/15/chafee-sos-budget-adrs-2014.pdf
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 01:29:29 +0000

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