The State of the Union by Vince Mann: Notice how Fox News and The - TopicsExpress


The State of the Union by Vince Mann: Notice how Fox News and The Republicans wont talk about the improved economy, Obamas Economy... according to Rush Limbaugh back in 2009, when the economy was terrible. They are silent about the new jobs growth numbers, How low gas prices have fallen, The historic Stock market rise, ...They wont mention how Gays are finally treated as citizens,... how millions of Hispanics now live without fear of hiding in America. They ignore that today, people who couldnt get health care, for something like asthma, or children who have Attention deficit disorder. now can GET Health care......They wont talk about how the Ebola Crisis was not as BIG as they made it out to be here in America......No talk of How Obama, and America wants a to raise the minimum wage, How Obama has not pushed us into wars on lies the way Bush did to get us into 2 wars, costing 1.5 TRILLION dollars, and killing our young military men and women of America, needlessly... Even Colin Powell was disgusted at how he was fooled by Bush.........Not one positive word about Obama, his family or any Black news item, even after 6 years of his presidency. .....All they have is the Founding Fathers Talking Point -- ...If these founding fathers were such honest and noble men, why didnt they free the slaves before signing the Constitution? Slaves who fought, spied and died for the same new American colonies. These revolutionaries who later, after winning freedom and independence from England , NEVER gave freedom to the Slaves in America......Nope,... no good news to report according to the Republicans and Fox News, All they use is Fear and Panic No hope non-sense, All Blacks are Bad tactic , pushed by a man who dislikes Blacks & Gays, the highly over paid &Wealthy draft dodger, Rush Limbaugh, who scares his base of seniors while they sit at home, listening to him daily or watching Fox News on TV.. Fox news will go outta the way to interview a Black radical crazy guy, but will never interview a White KKK member, showing their audience his racist agenda. A truly horrible tactic. Mark these words, theyll blame Obama if Gas goes up, theyll blame him if it snows too heavy this winter, theyll blame Obama if a cop shoots and kills an un-armed black man, saying Obama is behind racism? when in fact it is Racist who have exploited & profited from racism in America. using Obama as their scape-goat. They only want to hate President Obama, while never attempting to do the job they were sent to Washington to do, Their mission is to distract & hate Obama, pump more fear in America, long enough to move Jeb Bush into the White House in 2016, This Republican party of hate, a group that actually blamed Mr. Eric Garner for getting himself choked to death by a NYC Cop, are nothing but a vile Tea Party pathetic Republican klan, that relies on defaming, and hating Obama 24/7, to move their agenda. They wont serve the publics interest because theyre too busy grabbing $$$ from the rich and protecting the wealth of the 1% .............. Keep on going Mr. Obama, I got your back...............................
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 14:58:43 +0000

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