The Status Update Process: I was gonna post: One day I will - TopicsExpress


The Status Update Process: I was gonna post: One day I will meet the person that will make it all worth it. [Then I realized all that really is is a sappy Facebook post to my small network of friends in an effort to let my feelings be heard by someone, anyone, in order to quell a fictional and self-inflicted lack of value and loneliness. Followed by a desperation to make myself feel better about said insecurity by causing other minds to become aware of it. Success.] So I backspaced the phrase in quotations and completely replaced it with the bracketed section above, thinking myself quite clever, only find about 1 minute later I felt quite dumb about the whole thing and deleted the post entirely. Soon after, I questioned my desire to continue to appear cool or independent or composed to the formerly mentioned Facebook populace, knowing full well that ultimately it is my perception of myself filtered through my perception of how others see me that I am battling with. Which comically, in turn, is inversely related back again through my own perception of myself. Then concluding I had missed the point of the entire thing, which is to remind myself I am visible and cared for and that no one would really think anything negative of the post in the first place regardless and should put the nagging Judge and Victim to rest. Then I thought how clever it might be to post about the entire ordeal and how people may enjoy and laugh in empathy for how confusing being socially human in the 21st century can be. So I took 15 minutes to post this That being said: One day I will meet the person that will make it all worth it. Cue *Lion Roar* I mean, shit, I gotta make sense to somebody out there right? - You are right Joe. You are definitely desirable and are liked by people But...I dont understand. Why? - Simply because you are you. Thanks Me. - Youre Welcome Wanna chill later? - Im already here dude. No Shit. - My point exactly Now the question is, will anyone read this? hahaha
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 04:44:54 +0000

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