The Stop Of Planet In 2012 Is It A Myth Or A Fact Lot of debate - TopicsExpress


The Stop Of Planet In 2012 Is It A Myth Or A Fact Lot of debate is happening about the end of the Earth now days as it sounds entrancing and concerning one. There are some ideas and reviews to support it but they can be considered myth more than ideas. The first thing to support its the concept of the end of Mayans calendar. There are several who consider Mayans as people with certain genius and hi-tech ideology. They put forward their perspectives in favour of this story by quoting the example of Mayans calendar. Now it is pretty much apparent and open before every one that Mayans are not the one thing to consider there are many other things to discuss well. Yes they were modern folks of their age and still have some portion people that represent and prove their existence but we are able to not just depend on these legends in this age of technology and science. We can not just say that 2012 end of the Earth. Itll definitely be unreasonable to consider only Mayans and begin preparing for the end of the Earth. In this age of science and technology it had better we should take every single factor into account before making this believe of end of this world. Tell you what the science and technology is exploring each thing today and making it very much clear with proof. NASA is touching planets beyond our imagination and exploring the things taking place over milky methods and universes and we are conjecturing at the base of Mayans calendar merely. No one can simply say on the base of Mayan calendar only that 2012 end of the planet and therell be no life afterwards. Itd be nothing apart from just a stupid idea to assert that. The modern scientists and astronomers, meteorologists and geologists agree with the rapid changes in the world environment. But nobody is prepared to believe that its going to blow up next year. The environmental changes are not so swift that they will sweep everything in this shorter time span. It may be said confidently and surety that the 2012 end of the world is something so factual that its bound to happen toward the end of the 2012. Yes there are some changes but they arent of that worth to be considered as devastating so abruptly. There are numerous astronomers who are researching on our cosmos with strenuous effort. Many of them used to think that our cosmos has switched on a fast and continual change. A change that is shifting energy and causing some big changes that our history has never witnessed before. Theyre used to say that we have started heading toward the final devastation of collapse of this universe. This is when the stars will strike with one another and there will be full sale elimination of everything that we have build so devotedly. The future humans will have to face that. But even then none of them holds the idea that it might happen so fast, they rather used to claim that it will still a long, long time before which will occur with this cosmos. The end of the world in 2012 may come to a surprise to many but some are prepared as the mayan calendar has predicted it by stopping is running date on the 21st of decmeber 2012. LEarn if it is true at december2012endofworld
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:43:42 +0000

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