*** The Story That Has Never Been Told! Episode 56 ;) - TopicsExpress


*** The Story That Has Never Been Told! Episode 56 ;) We watched in utter bewilderment as Emmanuel went and took a sit on the bed. ”Guy, wetin be the problem na dis wan your face just squeeze like this?” I asked. ”Na dat girl o! Can you imagine say she no gree make I touch her brêast?” Emmanuel complained. ”Why she go talk dat kain rubbish abi you neva pay am?” I interviewed further so as to get a better insight on why a paid prostitutê will be acting in that manner. ”She dey talk say I go need pay her extra money if I wan touch her breåst. Say the one wey I pay before na only to fuçk,” Emmanuel explained while still fuming. One of the ways to really hurt a man is for a lady to deny him access to her body especially when he is on heat. It makes the emotionally weak breeds of men do unimaginable things. I was still trying to work out a possible solution to the situation when I heard ”baby, let me go and talk to her. I’m coming back”. It was the girl with me. She had offered to talk to her friend and possibly get her to allow Emmanuel do whatever he wishes. ”Hmmm, baby kwa? You guys are really enjoying yourselves o!” Emmanuel assumed with a mischievous smile as soon as the girl had left the room. I simply laughed at his unfounded assertion without giving him a definite reply. . My girl returned after a while. She informed Emmanuel that everything had been settled and that he can now go and have fun with his own girl. Emmanuel thanked her, stood up and then left our room for his. ”That reminds me, what is your name?” I asked her as soon as Emmanuel left the room. ”Hmmm, my name is Sandra,” she replied. I knew that was not her original name. It was a norm for ladies of her type to have numerous names. Sandra went and bolted the door but before she returned I had already assumed my ‘don’t disturb’ me position. She climbed the bed and lay beside me but this time she kept to herself. After about an hour of silence, she must have felt I had dozed off because she started rubbing my chest with her right hand. I pretended not to have noticed the encroaching hand. She continued for sometime before navigating down south. I held her hand as she was about to slid it into my private constituency. She sat up and then asked me why I was avoiding her as a plague. I believe my actions must have gave her reason to be concerned. She must have planned to give me a special treat that would get me endeared to her. This is how the ladies in such trade usually get men as regular customers. A well serviced man will stop at nothing to making more future appointments thereby increasing her chances of making more money. ”Look Sandra, I can’t do anything with you as long as I paid you on that term. I know you are not into this business because you like it. I have respect for womanhood and I can’t see myself taking advantage of your situation,” I preached. I took enough time to pour out my mind to her in an attempt to make her understand the risk she was exposing herself to. It was at this point that she broke down crying. When she was done she now opened up to tell me who she really is. She said her mum hailed from Rivers state while her father is a peasant farmer from Abia state coincidentally from a village 3 kilometers away from mine though from same community. The parents had separated many years ago which made her mum to abandon her and left. She was living with her sick grandmother. In the day she worked as an apprentice in a hair-dressing and beauty salon while in the night she goes out to ‘hustle’ in other to take care of her grandmother and herself pending when she opened her own beauty salon. Even though her story sounds quite pitiable but I adviced her that there is never a reason genuine enough to make her go into such trade. It was better she sold second hand clothing at Ngwa road market every Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays just like some ladies in worse conditions do. She thanked me with a promise to quit her present night business. ”My name is Onyinyechi and not Sandra,” she confessed with a lowered head. Finally, she requested for my phone number but I declined. Nevertheless, I collected hers with a promise to call her someday. We lay back on the bed and in no distant time she slept off. I sat up a few times to watch a young beautiful prostitutê sleep. Life can be unfair to some people… I woke up very early the following morning because I needed to return home as early as possible in other not to unnecessarily arouse suspicion from my parents who would want to know how my ‘night browsing’ mission went. I also wanted to rush out without the company of Emma and the girls and also when the day has not fully settled when no one would be able to identify the young guy that came out of a hotel. Onyinyechi was still sleeping peacefully when I finished dressing up. A gentle tap from me woke her up. She looked up with eyes still filled with tiredness and then smiled at me. . ”Good morning,” she greeted. ”Good morning dear, hows your night?” I responded. ”Fine oh…yawns… Are you going now?” she asked while rubbing her eyes off sleep. ”Yea, I need to rush back home. I have important things to do,” I lied. . She shrugged in resignation and encouraged me to continue in my good life. If only she knew who she was dealing with. She requested for my number once again reminding me of my promise the night before. I collected her phone and keyed in the digits of my second MTN line. I dialed the number and it rang. I could see her smile from the corner of my eyes. ’Hmmm, whatever dat is making dis wan to smile sha. Hope say she no dey think of wetin I dey think she dey think?’ I thought within me. As I made to leave the room, Onyinyechi demanded I at least gave her a hug. I obliged her request. I also told her not to disclose to Emma what transpired between us through the night because I know he will feel betrayed by my actions. It would pain him to know that I never carried out the action for what the money was paid for. Onyinyechi saw me to the door and stood watching as I knocked on Emma’s room. I knocked for trice before they could open the door. They must have been exhausted from whatever they might have done. One thing I know for sure is that Emma will stop at nothing until he is convinced beyond doubt that he has got the deserving services for his money. . ”Guy, dis wan you dress up like dis? Na go you wan go so?” Emma asked in surprise to having seen me dress so early. ”Yes my guy, I get something to tidy up. Hope you had a nice night?” I asked with a wink and he responded with a grin which conveyed satisfaction. I bid them goodbye and left the hotel. . It was exactly 6:17am when I hurriedly left the hotel. The meteorological solar forecast has predicted that days sunrise to begin at 6:40am. I always have at least one meteorological application on my phone at all times. It’s my discipline and as such I needed to proactively get myself acquainted with enough information on the workings of the environments around me. I arrived home a few minutes past 7am. My dad was listening to the 7am network news on his rechargeable radio. I greeted him and he replied without flipping an eye as it was obvious he had all his attention fixed on the news. He needed enough information for the days political debate with his friends who seem to have opposite view to his. Ive never seen them share similar view in political issues. I guess they enjoy debates and arguments that much as to always be on different sides of the divide. Mum was busy in the kitchen when I returned. She was preparing the breakfast for the family. She prefers to personally prepare the family meals while my cousin sister living with us takes over the subsequent warming and dishing of the prepared meals during meal times. Mum asked a few questions on how my night browsing mission went to which I answered with lies of how I was not able to finish up the research work I went I had gone for due to some network problems that lingered into the night. I had to excuse myself from her presence when it was obvious she had more questions regarding the issue at hand because that meant I wouldve to progressively lie in other to continue covering my tracks. . I called Ifeoma to inform her that I will be visiting their school later in the afternoon. It has been a while I visited the school where I taught before I gained admission. I also want to use the opportunity to have some man- to-man chat with the two teachers who she complained to be disturbing her. It was time to fight for my precious jewel. I cant stand and watch some backstabbers snatch my hard earned loving Ifybaby from me. My glittering ebony diamond. *Hope I dont return with a black eye* WATCH OUT FOR The Next EPISODE ;) Make Sure You Stay Glued to the Page And Hit Like Button as you read so i know u guys are following up. if no Much Response i will Stop. SHARE TO MAKE THE POST MUCH FASTER ;) TIME/TARGET: After I get 40 likes 20 comments 30 shares For this Post Follow *Yemzy* On Fb For More Updates Here *I Luv You All* VOICE of Ibadan - OYO
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:38:29 +0000

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