~~~~~ The Story, The History ~~~~~ The Story of Peek Jook and - TopicsExpress


~~~~~ The Story, The History ~~~~~ The Story of Peek Jook and Pee Chan (Sister of Peek Jook) The story of Pee Jook trace back around 100 plus years back, the first abbot of Wat Suan Luang. He wanted to rebuild his temple but at that time he was not enough funds to build. One day while he was meditation, he saw a golden shining little boy, the golden lights just as shine as there is a frames surrounded him. This little shinning boy walk towards him and said to the abbot that his name is pee jook, had stay at the wood where located at the back of the temple kitchen for more then 500 years. He knew that Luang Phor wanted to rebuild a new temple but had not enough funds to do that. So Pee Jook guided him to go to a place, where there are a lot of Amulets bury below the ground and ask him to take out for rent to raise the funding for building the temple. When Luang Phor wake up from his meditation, he told his disciple the incident, they quickly went to the place where pee jook tell them to go to the place where hided alots of amulets. When they reaches there, they really found a lots of amulets but no one know who really made this batch of amulets. And once this news separated, they starts to rent these batch of amulets and finally they raised enough funding to rebuild the temple and they also found that pieces of wood where located in the kitchen. The Abbot decided to craft the features of that little boy and place him at the temple for devotees to offer him. Now this wooden peek jook bucha is placed at abbot room and still allow devotees to pray and offering. Pee Jook is not Kumanthong. Although the Features looks like but he is more higher ranking gods then any others gods. According the first abbot after told by Pee Jook, he is more then 500 years old and he is an angel who guides people and looks after people who needs help. So Do not mess up and treat him as Kumanthong. 辟啾仙童(天使)由来 话说百多年前,泰国瓦算栾庙宇的第一任主持想要翻新与阔建庙宇。但在当时,因经费不足没办法修建起庙。有一日,当大师入禅定的时候。突然眼前不远处,出现了一位金光闪闪的童子,他一丝不挂的但却被像火焰一般的金光围绕着他的身边。他走进主持身前,表明了身份。说“吾乃辟啾,寄居于一块圣木里长达五百多年,得知主持大师有意建庙而经费不足。特此指引帮助大师起庙事成。在山里有个地方,藏有无数佛牌。大师可将其所有佛牌挖出,再卖出来凑集经费来建庙。”当主持大师从禅定醒来后,就将此事告诉他的弟子。起初他们半信半疑,但也到了辟啾仙童告知主持大师的所在地。结果,他们真的找到了好多不知是哪位大师所制作后而藏在此处的佛牌。也因如此,大师用此批佛牌筹到了大笔善款来修建佛庙。在当时,大师也找到了辟啾所说的那块他所寄居的圣木。主持大师决定用此圣木雕刻出辟啾的金身让信众们供拜。辟啾并非古曼童,虽然他的法像象孩童,但果位相等于仙童或称为天使,比一班天神果位来得要高。据第一任主持大师当年所记载,辟啾告诉他自己已有五百多岁。样子虽小,但年龄已非常大。辟啾非常灵验,他和他的姐姐辟禅为许多的信众消灾解难和实现愿望。所以千万不要把他和一般的古曼童勘称为一样。
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 19:13:07 +0000

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