The Story of Max; Part 59 (((THIS IS THE BIGGEST BOMBSHELL OF THE - TopicsExpress


The Story of Max; Part 59 (((THIS IS THE BIGGEST BOMBSHELL OF THE STORY YET!!!))) “Hey, you guys wake up!” Brandon said shaking us awake. I opened my eyes and I looked over. Maria was still there next to me leaned against my shoulder. Her hair was a little messed up which made me laugh. “Look!” He ran over to the other side of the plane and looked out of the window. Both of us slowly got up and walked to the other side and looked out of the adjacent windows. “Wow.” Maria and I said. “If you look out of your windows you can see the coast of the French city, Saint-Nazaire beneath us.” Ms. Tyner said. “It’s so beautiful.” My mom said. “It reminds me of our honeymoon.” “Mom!” “Oops, sorry.” She said laughing. I let my head hit the glass of the window. Then Brandon and Maria started laughing. (((New Chapter))) “So, did you enjoy yourself last night.” He said standing close in front of her with his arm halfway bent and his hand on the lockers. “Yeah, I did babe.” She said leaning back against the lockers. “How about you come over tonight? My parents won’t be home for a couple of days.” He said. “Rex…” She said. “Come on Tara, we’ve been going out for the past three weeks. And you racer boyfriend isn’t doing anything for you. Don’t you think it’s time we take things a step further?” “Don’t worry babe, you’ll get it. I’ll do you a favor. How about, since he’s leaving today for France. Tonight when he lands I’ll call and make a big fuss about how I don’t see him, and blah, blah, blah. And then, we break up, and you get me all to yourself.” She said wrapping her arms around his neck and flipping her hair out of her face. “I like that plan.” He said with an evil smirk. Their lips met for a few seconds before the late bell rang. They both pulled away from each other. “See you later babe.” “See you.” She said walking away with a smile and swaying hips to match. (((New Paragraph))) “Everyone sit down wherever you are in a chair. Move it to the upright position. We’re landing soon.” Mr. Smith said. We all moved to a seat anywhere in the plane and sat down and put on our seatbelts. I looked out of the window to see us begin our decent into the country. The buildings got bigger and bigger, so did the people, and the cars. When our wheels met the French runway tarmac the wheels made a screeching sound, then we slowed to a crawl and we turned off of the runway and parked in front of our garage. We all got off of the plane and looked around in awe of the beauty of the country. “We have a couple of cars coming to get the bags, they should be here soon.” Ms. Tyner said to my dad. “Okay, thank you.” Then, I felt my phone vibrate. I looked at the caller ID and it was Tara. She was calling. This was weird because, well, she never called. “Hey, if anyone asks I’ll be over here.” I said to Maria. “I’ll be right back.” “Okay.” Maria said. “Hey baby.” I said walking away from the plane. I made sure I was out of earshot of everyone before I continued. “Hey, what’s up?” “We just landed in France.” “Oh, that’s nice.” There was already a silence that was deafening. “Is there something wrong, you called, it’s not like you.” “Yeah, Max. I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” I knew what she was talking about but I didn’t want to accept it. “Do what?” I said in a slightly unhappy voice. “This. Being away from you, we didn’t even get to spend that much time with together before you left. I mean, between your busy schedule and you being, well, you know who. I don’t even get to see you when you’re here. And when we spend time together you always have to go because of it.” She explained. “It won’t be like this for long. I go to sleep thinking about you, planning what I’ll do when I see you again. If I could, I would quit racing and fly back to you right now. Including not being Crisis anymore.” “Why don’t you?” I could tell that her voice was starting to turn hostile. “You know why I can’t.” I was starting to get upset. “This is something that I want to get paid to do. And this is what I have to do through. I have to make sacrifices, we, have to make sacrifices.” I said. “And Crisis?” “If I stop being Crisis, things will go back to what they were before. And so will I.” I said. “And what’s that? Normal!” She raised her voice. “No! The police not doing anything until the damage is already done! And I’ll go back to being the mediocre, ‘C-’ average, Max Renault. People that I know and love would be dead without him. Including you.” She was silent for a while. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-” There was a tap on my shoulder. “Max, we’re putting the bags in the cars.” Maria said. I put the phone to my chest, “Okay.” “Who was that?” Tara asked in a prosecutor’s tone. I knew that Tara didn’t like Maria, and I dreaded where this conversation was about to go. “That was,” I took a huge gulp of air. “Maria.” I scrunched up my face, squinted my eyes, and clenched my teeth in an attempt to brace for the raging heat-seeking missile of anger that was about to assault my eardrums. “What the hell is she doing with you?!” She said loudly. “Babe, it’s not what you-” “Are you?” “No!” “Don’t lie to me!” “She’s my teammate! What the hell am I supposed to do?! Leave her there?!” “You think I don’t see how you act around her?” She yelled. “Your eyes light up and gleam; you smile a smile that I haven’t seen since we first met.” Her voice was starting to break up. “And, it was my worst fear to see you with someone else. And I feel like I’m losing you.” She paused, I didn’t even bother to try and explain myself. Because she was just going to tell me to shut up again. My eyes welled up and I couldn’t see, I felt a knot swelling in my throat, and my face started to feel hot. I tried to do my best to keep from crying. Despite my efforts, I felt a solitary tear run down my cheek. “And, I-I-I can’t, I just can’t.” I stayed silent. “Have fun with that whore.” She finished with anger. I could hear her crying. I knew that this moment was eventually going to come. The only ways it wouldn’t was if I took her with me, and I couldn’t. I didn’t race, which I don’t want to. Or if I didn’t get struck by lightning, which, well, you know how I feel about that. “I’m--” She hung up on me. I wiped my face on my sleeve and I sighed sorrowfully and walked back toward the plane.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 01:56:15 +0000

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