The Story of Me Life is full of different elements, some good and - TopicsExpress


The Story of Me Life is full of different elements, some good and some bad, but no matter what it is we must always learn how to put them in good use and learn a thing or two about them. On the cold dawn of January second in the year 1995 the first princess of Marjorie Barsatan and Roy Del-ong was born in the city of Baguio in the Philippines. She was born with an asthma which she could have had inherited from her father or mother because some of her parents’ ancestors have it. Her father wants to be the one to name her. He picked the name “Drusilla” from the bible and changed the spelling. Instead of double “l” he changed it into double “s” and combined “Mae”. Drusilla means “fruitful” or “watered by dew” and “old oak” or “strong” while Mae means “bitter” and “kinswomen”. His wife agreed with the name, so they named her as “Drussila Mae” that certain child happens to be me. Family Background My mother was from Apayao as early as the age of eighteen she already went abroad to work. My father was from Baguio City and worked in Saudi Arabia when he was __. When my mother worked in Hong Kong she received a letter from a man which happens to be my father. She was __ then and my father was __ that time. She decided to reply him and from then on they started exchanging letters. After quite some time they decided to meet in Manila when they go back to Philippines for a vacation. Eventually they get married on May 22, 1994 in an Anglican Church and settled in Baguio and stayed in my father’s parents’ house in Quirino Hill. Childhood My mother told me that I started to walk when I was only 11 months. I was baptized in the same church on my first birthday. My little sister Nikola Lei came out when was still two. When I was four I entered nursery and when I was five I entered kindergarten in the same school. I studied in the same school for my grade one to grade three. But in 2004 we moved to Suello Village in Marcos Highway to be caretakers of a big house there so we have to transfer to Roxas Elementary School. Life there sure was different, transportation was difficult unlike before that we could just walk to school. The temperature there was way colder not to mention we experienced fog most of time and it ruined some of our clothes. It was too silent and there was no one to play with well, except for our little brother because he could play with our neighbor who happens to be also boy. But the worst part is because of the colder temperature my asthma attacks more frequently than when we were still in Quirino. When I was ten my father went to Malaysia to work as a miner and that same time we moved to Apayao. The weather there was very warm so my parents thought it will be good for my health. That is why for my firth grade I transferred again to Malekkeg Elementary School and I studied there until I graduated from grade six. Adolescence My family still stayed there so for my first year I entered Santa Marcela High School. I studied in the same school until I graduated from fourth year. In the very first day of my high school I already received a love letter. At first I didn’t know how to react but I have to accept the letter because I don’t want to embarrass the person whom the writer asks to deliver it. I also thought if I have to read it but since I didn’t want to put to waste the writers courage to write one, I read it. After reading it, I write a little note in the bottom of his message, saying that I don’t want to be suited and meet up with him, fold it back, went to their section at recess, asked one of my elementary batch mates who happens to be in the same class with that him and walked away. I thought I wouldn’t receive anymore but I did until my fourth year. Well I wouldn’t say that it was too bad, of course it was good to received love letters and to have suitors. But they are bothering sometime to the point that I lose my patience and started not giving back their letters and just throwing them straight into the trash bin. Worst, one of the letters I tried setting on fire, my bad, I guess I was really caught in a bad mood that time. I tried girls scouts and being a band member, I was one of the minor majorettes. I was chosen as the Junior’s ___, my first dance was a fourth year and even if it rained it wasn’t so bad. I was also chosen as __ in my fourth year but even if it didn’t rain, most of us had a cough because the weather was really cold that time. College For my college, I have to go home to Baguio because that is where I am going to study. Unfortunately my mother and siblings can’t come with me yet because it would be much better if they finish their elementary and high school there. I chose Saint Louis University but I took their test in Tabuk City. I have two courses in mind, tourist guide and teacher. I have always wanted to be a tourist guide because I want to travel to the different corners of the world and I also wanted to be a good cook. But at the same time I also wanted to teach because I was so inspired by my some of my elementary and high school teachers. Because they do not only give pure knowledge but they also touch and change the lives of their students. I enrolled teaching because I am not that tall and I know that even if I become a teacher I could still go to other places of the world. Present Presently, I am now nineteen and a third year student, I hope I can keep my pace and graduate at the age of twenty in the year 2015. Go to a review center and take the LET exams, pass it and look for a good job. And finally start my dream of touching the lives of other people just like what any other great teachers out there could do. Meet the man of my dreams, start a family of my own and live life to the fullest. And I know that I would be able to attain all of these dreams through the help of the Almighty God.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 13:15:22 +0000

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