The Story of the Master of Buddhas: The “White Parasol - TopicsExpress


The Story of the Master of Buddhas: The “White Parasol Sitatapatra Dharani Sutra” gives the detail of the events involving the merits of the Sitatapatra in the “Surangama Sutra”: At the Asura Realm where it is located near the God Realm, there is a wish-fulfilling tree growing in the boundary line that divides the God Realm and Asura Realm. The root of the tree embeds deeply in the region near the heaven (non-heaven) whereas its trunk extends fully to the heaven. When heavenly gods (Deva) or goddess (Devi) have their own wishes to be fulfilled, they can easily get it done by making wishes to the spirit of the tree. This causes much jealousy from the Asuras because of the wish-fulfilling tree. As being described in other sutras, the God Realm and Asura Realm were constantly in battle. The Asuras were jealous of the Devas because of their luxurious life and their higher status. Both groups (Asuras and Devas) possess comparable supernatural powers. The Asuras planned to launch a huge attack on the Devas Heaven in order to colonise the God realm. The demonic kings leading the mara armies were strong and their powers were comparable to the deities. Devas have sixth sense that enables them to detect any incoming dangers. Knowing that they couldn’t defeat the demonic kings, Indra sought help from Shakyamuni Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha emanated a wrathful thousand-armed Buddha, Ushnisha Sitatapatra. Her light emanation was beyond the time and space and it was so powerful that the mara armies do not even stand a chance against her. The demonic kings were subdued whereas the other Asuras ran away. OM MAMA HUM NI SVAHA 《大白伞盖陀罗尼经》述说了《楞严经》里白伞盖大佛顶之殊胜功德。 其缘起为:六道中阿修罗魔众居住的地方,位于天与天界相间隔的地段,那里长着一棵树,树根在非天,近阿修罗道。而树干与树枝蔓延到天界。 在天上居住的天神或女神有所求时,便能直接向此树祈愿,能如其所愿,阿修罗魔见天人有此福报,起妒嫉心,也因此率领大魔军攻打天界。当中魔王的威力不容忽视,其魔力与天神的法力不相上下。 不少佛经也有说到天人和阿修罗的战争是永无止尽的。阿修罗因嫉妒天人的生活和天人身处在六道中最高的地位而掀起大战。当时两众都具有强大法力。 阿修罗魔众攻打天界时,天人不敌,帝释天前去请释迦佛求助加持。 释迦佛的佛冠化出一道佛光,而佛光化为千面千臂大白伞盖佛母忿怒像。她的火光笼罩着四周围,非常强大,魔军不战而败。魔王被降伏,而其他阿修罗落荒而逃。 “吽玛玛吽尼娑哈”
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 08:48:00 +0000

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