The Streatlam wild man During the mid part of the 1800s Women - TopicsExpress


The Streatlam wild man During the mid part of the 1800s Women and children of Teesdale lived in fear. No one ventured out after dark If you did ,You did not go alone. It was the head Gamekeeper from Streatlam ,who brought the first news of the Wild man . He told of how this wretched creature had escaped from a Caravan in West Auckland . He had took to his heels into the local woods . All efforts to find him had been in vain. Families were living in fear for no one knew where this wild man was. The wild man had been stalking Teesdale many months before The Head Gamekeeper at Streatlam first broke the news......... George A Gamekeeper at that once noble castle at streatlam . He had finished his mornings tasks of laying Man-traps to catch local poachers . He and a local farm hand friend Philip were lazing in the morning sunshine. Now George dressed in his Gamekeepers greens and his pal. Having time on there hands. They were both young lads with a weakness for Practical jokes . Having heard the tale from the head gamekeeper.They cooked up a scheme to scare the estate Gardener Auld Frank Waistell He was an older worker at the estate with a wooden leg. He was at that time cutting Thistles near the parks walls. Frank was a prime target for there Practical jokes. The pair came across Auld Frank Whetting his Scythe against the estate wall. Blissfully unaware of what was about to befall him. With a little bit of effort and heave George and his pal manage to scale the wall unseen .Sneak along so they are directly opposite Frank and wait there moment to pounce on there hapless victim .At there chosen moment George was bundled over the wall . He fell screaming at Franks feet .Frank Who Gripped with terror ,dropped his Scythe . Then dispite his disability , made of into the woods like a Deer on the wind. The fastest he had moved in years! When Frank reached the castle and the head gardener managed to get some sense out of the rambling terrified man, The Gardener Acting on Franks tale took a horse from the estate stable and rode into Barnard castle to muster some men. A Cavalry unit being stationed in the town at that time .The Soldiers and there Horses where mustered and of to Streatlam they all set. Horses and soldiers arrived at Streatlam armed to the Teeth They were soon joined by Estate workers from Streatlam , Farmers from the area and Towns people from Stainton and Barnard castle. Everyone was armed with Pitchforks axes ,anything that they could lay there hands on. The now very large hunt party began to divide and look for Franks wild attacker . George the gamekeeper in his mirth is blissfully unaware of the unfolding events His Pal returned to his farm . Both were in high spirits at the mornings high jinks. That was until George heard a rustle and shouts through the Estates forests. Gripped with fear George hid behind a tree afraid to come out . Philip by now had been called by his farm to join the search party. He realized what was going on . He was however to afraid to come forward with the truth. Philips biggest fear was his friend George may be cornered and slaughtered by the mob. Before George could explain his disguise. Philip in his dilemma had forgotten to arm himself. Auld Smith the Estate Groom came to him with a long Gully in each hand . declaring Why arent you armed You might easily be attacked by the wild man. They say he is seven feet tall and wears armour !Here take one of these Gullies .Philip during exchange made a decision and went of in search of the wild man alone. He dashed of in to the Estates wood . After some searching and knowing Georges hides well. Philip soon found George Trembling and sweating as he was still wearing a beard made from Horse hair they had fashioned for there disguise . Run til your yon end t wood and shout for the life , Thous found t wild man He stammered to George. an awl dash out at t other end and run yam Waiting a few moments Philip drew the attention of the hunt party to him and away from George, Who in turn . Taking advantage of his chance . He went crashing through Thorn bush , Brier and clean across several fields. Before he made his way home on the Estate bleeding breathless and bruised. What fulery has thou been up to ?Asked Georges wife as he arrived home. Lock t door and be sharp he replied . get me some clothes and if aske as not in If anyone with a pitchfork or Gullie comes t door shout of ma None came and George soon reappeared the respectable Estate Gamekeeper , indeed he was. Calmly he joined the search for the wild man . Hiding his relief at his narrow escape. The hunt went on all day and was only called off at dusk that night. For weeks after the incident. The knowing ones in all the Teesdale villages and towns (Gossips) were telling tales of the wild man of Streatlam. Blissfully unaware of the events at Steatlam Estate that day. A few weeks previous. Then came shocking news from Barnard castle. The real wild man had been spotted in the local area (again) .The Police ,Militia and the local populace were mobilised. The search was again on. After searching nearly every inch of the dale the Wild man was spotted by a local constable at Thorpe hall. The Wildman ,upon seeing the officer took to his heels across the fields. However after a mad chase across field and valley. He was caught. He was described as 35 (Frank shields maybe?) Slender built but muscular in build. He was wearing tattered fragments of a dressing gown. Fastened with a piece of cord. With rags about his shoulders. Caked with dry mud , His hair and beard were long and un kept. Matted with months of filth. When questioned the wild man gave no reply .He just earnestly stared at the constable. Only when put in the local cells at Greta bridge , did he become violent . Jumping on and of the bed and swinging from the bars of his cell. When brought before the Magistrate . He was unable to give an account of himself .Al he would say was God bless you The Constable however with the aid of local knowing ones . He was able to trace the Wildmans movements. He had been all over at least three dales. Arkengarthdale , Swale dale and Westmoorland. it was However Teesdale he seems to have made his home. From Scargill to Barnard castle and many other places along the dale. The wild man had been seen. he had sometimes approached farm houses, The kind hearted people of Teesdale gave him food . He would however always refuse the offer of clothes. It was said he would run at great speed across country , screaming and shouting as he went. Without any direction in mind. Living of a diet of Vermin and Game . Those who had come in contact with him said he was inoffensive But his appearance and habits of running and screaming put the fear of God into women and children wherever he went. One Teesdale farmer recalls how after rising early to go to the coal pits He was frightened witless by the appearance of the wild man. That he quickly un-yoked his Horses . Ran back to his home and locked the door! Harmless enough the wild man , he proved to be After a short hearing at Greta bridge Magistrate the real wild man was ordered to Northallerton goal. What happened to the wild man after that goes un recorded. Sources; Teesdale Mercury archive.,Bowes Museum Archive ,Durham Garlands 1800.Sykes local records. pics streatlam castle gardens Streatlam castle Gamekeepers man traps Streatlam castle Deer Thorpe Hall
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 06:28:15 +0000

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