The Stud-Breeding Era: One of the most vital questions you - TopicsExpress


The Stud-Breeding Era: One of the most vital questions you should ask yourself as a reader is, how can the majority of Atlantic African denizens be related as descendants of the tribes of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh? We, as a people, mainly the Blacks in the United States, have the tendency to forget or not study our history, the forgotten history of “Stud-breeding.” In the Atlantic, European slaveholders implemented this breeding technique to increase their human commodity population on plantations. They would choose Black slave men who had the ability to produce children for servitude. These “Studs” were sometimes hired out to other plantations. Some historians on the slave trade of the Atlantic argue that stud farms did not actually exist, or were very rare in the southern States and the West Indies. They claimed that slave holders would buy young Black males and young Black females and pick their mates for them to produce large slave families. This technique would not be calculated as stud-breeding. Historian, Michael Tadman claims that slave stud-breeding did exist, but was not prevalent in the South. Another historian, Peter J. Parish, came to the conclusion that slave stud-farms were very rare. In Michael Tadman’s book, “Speculators and Slaves,” the author indicates that historians, in 1930, interviewed two surviving former slaves who were utilized as stud breeders. Elige Davison’s master had him impregnate fifteen slave women. Elige believes he fathered at least a hundred children. Jeptha Choice’s master rented him out to other plantations as a stud-breeder. A book entitled, “Black Texas Women,” gives details of former slaves’ accounts of stud-breeding p. 27. A book entitled, “African-American Southerners in Slavery: Civil War and Reconstruction,” written by Claude H. Nolen, tells the story of a slave master who bought or rented studs to get his slave women pregnant. Sojourner Truth said stud-breeding was prevalent in the South during slavery. Her slaver owner chose a slave for her, for slave-breeding. She produced 13 children, most of them were sold. My great-great Grandfather, General Richardson, (there is no family records indicating he was in the army to be called General) was born in Alabama after the Civil War. He had 12 children by his wife Mattie Richardson, and 12 children by his mistress. There are approximately three hundred descendants from Mattie. We do not know the precise number of descendants from his mistress. Imagine all those Black studs fathering all those children by different slave women and how their children were sold, (after the Civil War, 83 percent Southerner Blacks migrated to the North for jobs) on the stud-breeding cycle bloodline, you do the calculations. The assumption of historians who tried to prove that slavery stud-breeding did not exist, or was very rare in the Atlantic, is like saying only two million Jews, was decimated in World War II or that the Holocaust never happen. There are historians and politicians who rewrote history to benefit the oppressors. I spiritually believe that this slavery stud-breeding system was decreed by YAH to keep the children of Israel’s bloodline intact. Other books that confirm that stud-farms did exist: “The Breeding of Slaves for Sale and the Westward Expansion of Slavery”, by Richard Sutch; “Slavery: The African American Psychic Trauma”, pp.167. An Epic Tragedy,” by Jose Hugo Fernandez, not only tells the story of Cuban slave stud- breeding plantations, the book also focus, on Cuba’s current race problem. In 2011“The Michigan Citizen” newspaper indicated, “Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona, signed into law a bill that prohibits ethnic studies from being taught in public school. Because it teaches ethnic chauvinism and leads minority students to believe they had been “oppressed. From the book The North African Atlantic Hidden Birthright (2008) by Richard Poole pp. 54-55
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:57:48 +0000

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