The Stupidest Reason Ever For Not Reading Beyond Early Drafts Of - TopicsExpress


The Stupidest Reason Ever For Not Reading Beyond Early Drafts Of The Course! Let’s take the following ridiculous logic out back and shoot it immediately. Or as Jesus might say in his one Course while using metaphors (sorry Course literalists, it is not actually true that “Heaven bends to touch your eyes.”31.V!.62) “Let’s put this baby to rest.” The “of Course NOTS” allege that Bill Thetford was given the editorial “last word” in the Urtext and so any editing by anyone other than Bill “butchered” the Course. (Bill privately complained that butchering Jesus words about his penis felt like a spiritual circumcision.) Assuming arguendo (that’s Italian for “I love to argue” and we’ll assume the shit you spew has merit just for a brief moment while I use what you say to mock your incredible “insights”), that this is true, let’s consider your air-tight case without even moving beyond your own specious words: 1) For those who won’t read beyond the Urtext draft, because Jesus, in the Urtext, gave Bill editorial “last word”, kindly explain why we shouldn’t read the Hugh Lynn Cayce (HLC)version (misidentified as “Jesus” Course In Miracles or “Original” Course In Miracles.) when BILL THETFORD EDITED THE URTEXT TO CREATE THE HLC version. Hard to believe that this is your logic: Pay only attention to what Bill edited. Bill edited the Urtext with the HLC draft. Disregard the HLC draft that Bill edited. And I’m the one who is smoking awesome weed right now? (its magic!) It is no coincidence that you were not my Ivy League classmate at the University Of Pennsylvania law school. 2) For those who won’t read beyond the HLC version (did I mention it’s a misnomer to call it “Jesus Course in Miracle” or “Original” Course In Miracles) because only Bill is the editor, I have bad news for you. Remember the “bastardized” version of the Course actually published in 1976? Guess who one of its editors was? Guess who insisted that the original 43 miracles principles (which morphed to 53 under Bills editorship) be changed to a nice round number of 50? Yes, you guessed it, our beloved editor, Mr. Bill Thetford. When the Course was published in 1976, Bill, the editor of “last word”, insisted on 50 miracles principles because he loved its nice round number. Much to your dismay, Bill, owner of a beautiful, reasonable mind would not agree with the following syllogism: Pay attention only to what Bill edits. Bill was an editor on the published 1976 FIP Course (even insisting on 50 Miracles principles) Don’t pay attention to the 1976 FIP Course Bill lived many years after 1976 and not once did he say the principles espoused there contradicted one ACIM principle. (There’s a million dollar reward by some awesome spiritual shock jock if you can prove otherwise!) I guess the “of Course NOTS” would also recommend that we stick our heads in the sand and not look at the Preface, Clarification Of Terms and the Psychotherapy and Prayer pamphlets, all of which took place after Bills “final” editing of the Course in the Urtext and HLC drafts. Just for fun, I named my recent podcast “Bill’s Penis and the Course.” Urtexters, do you think Bill is really happy about that? Do you think he wants Rogue Priest making fun of “Lil Willie” in front of millions of adoring fans? Do you think Bill loves the whole world knowing about his genitalia? Is this Jesus’ directive in making Bill editor of “last word?” Just food for thought while you start a new hobby for the new year—THINKING! So HLCers, Sparklers, and “Originals”, are you upset that Bill edited his edit? Are you upset that Jesus went against his own plan and kept talking to Helen even though Bill moved his genitalia to California? Is your latest “Ken Wapnick Is a Svengali” rant still working for you? of Course NOT!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:03:54 +0000

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