The Sudanese Chinese Relations Glorious past and bright - TopicsExpress


The Sudanese Chinese Relations Glorious past and bright future Report / by Ahmed Hassan Omer Khartoum , Oct .26/2013 (SUNA) —Visits at the grass root levels between the Peoples of China and Sudan started from the sport stadiums by exchanging visits among the sport teams of the two countries in 1957 following the openness of relations towards the far east which started since the convening of Bandung Conference in 1955 and the mutual recognition between two countries in 1956 . Under the umbrella of mutual recognition and respect and with the spirit , enthusiasm and popularity of sport , the diplomatic relations between two states and two nations . Neither the matter of distances nor the differences of the languages and cultures have hindered the progress of relations to develop and advances they were deeply rooted . Through its various stages , this relations resulted in mutual support in stances towards the regional and international issues and surpassed them to development and economic partnership in areas full of obstacles and difficulties in the field of energy , food , technology and infrastructures . Such relations could serve as a starting point to build further partnership and strategic alliance that represent a base to build new partnerships in a world where states and peoples are looking forward to a new model of relation that maintains respect and balance in exchanging benefits and joint interests . However , this repot aims to shed light on the Sudanese -Chinese relations , their glorious past and bright future , and also tough the model friendship and cooperation between states and nations . Despite the vast geographical distance that separates between the eastern Red Sea of Ayzab , Suakin and Badi from China and which is estimated at 12140 nautical miles or sea miles , the Chinese and the Sudanese were able to maintain open contacts since the time of the Han Royal Family 206 B.C up to 24 A.D . Chinese , Arab and western sources provide valuable information as to this contact . They have linked the eastern Sudan sea port with the far east and to china as early as the second century A.D . up the beginning of the twentieth century . Historically we find that governors and citizens of the Han family were in contact with the Kush Kingdom in northern Sudan , and also we find that Chinese sailors have sailed through India to the Sudanese eastern sea ports and were received in the Royal Kushite court . Chinese sources also indicate that the eastern Sudanese sea ports were linked with China a century before Christ era . The Chinese trade route with African extends from Iran to Iraq up to Syria and via the Red Sea . In that period the Red Sea includes a number of important ports and the most important of these is the Brunika sea port . Some Sudanese historical researchers believe that the name Brunika is the ancient Roman name for Aizab sea port in eastern Sudan . It is known that the Sudanese goods , commodities such as gold and ivory , the rhinoceros horns , and the tortoises shells have found their way to China from ancient times out of Sudan , as early as the Meroetic era . The Egyptian and the Omani traders took commodities to China as early as 166 A.D. But with the advent of the Chinese family Tang and its flourishing era in China (618-907) , Chinese trade with the outside world had blossomed and the Sudanese ports and particularly the sea port of Aizab , because some of the most important centers for the distribution of Chinese potteries which would then be imported and taken to inner trade centers in the Sudan and up to Egypt and to west Africa . Other sea port such as Suakin and Badi played an important role in trade relations with China and eastern Asia in general . Ancient Arab writings such as the writing of Muruj al Zahab by its author Al Masoodi have also linked the eastern Sudan sea ports with China . Masoodi has pointed out precious stones such as aquamarines were being produced in Aizab area and taken to China . Also archeological discoveries and excavations have revealed a great number of evidences about these Chinese Sudanese contacts with archeologists discovering thousands of colorful Chinese potteries in the correctness of the historical sources that said the trader of the Sultanate of Sinnar (1504-1821) were exchanging trade via the area of Suakin with for east and that the voyage used to take about two years . Chinese potteries were also found in the area of Haza Bent , the trade center in Sinkat area in eastern Sudan , Chinese potteries were equally discovered in the area of Souba near Khartoum , as well as remnants of Chinese potteries and Silk in the area of El-Fashir in far western Sudan . Thus , we could see that Chinese Sudanese trades have existed as far as the Meroetic era with western Han family up to the fifteenth century . But these exchanges were disrupted by the advent of European maritime submarines in the mid of the fifteenth century and which began their Endeavours to control them in and out lets to trade and transportation in the ancient world in preparations for their aggressive campaign against the peoples in Asian and Africa . However , despite these aggressive campaigns in the upper sea , the contact continued between Sudan and China . Recent discoveries have shown in the area of Aizab that contacts have continued with China and revealed the existence of Chinese potteries with dragon designs and drawings there that dated back to the 16th century . Political relations between the Sudan and China were established on the fourth of February 1959 . The Sudanese government has shown keenness to promote its links with China while China appreciates the efforts exerted by the Sudan to polarize and secure the support of the African countries so that China would get its membership in the United Nations . In September 1995 the relations witnessed a great development , the Sudanese Chinese friendship society was established during the visit of the president of the Republic , Field marshal Omer Al-Bashir to China and a twins hip between the Chinese town of Wahnan and Khartoum was woven with the two countries signing accord on exemption from diplomatic and work visa prerequisites and in the year 1997 the two sides signed an accord on political consultations between the foreign ministries in the two countries . Relations between the two countries since the beginning were based on mutual respect of the principles of peaceful coexistence , the non intervention in domestic affairs of the others and the resolution of political differences through dialogue a matter that constituted a solid base for the development of the bilateral relations that continued to be stable and developing regardless of the succession of government in the Sudan and despite the differences of the political systems in the two countries . These relations have developed in the sixties , seventies and eighties of the last century and continued so until they saw a huge leap in the trade and economic relations with China which contributed in implementing huge economic projects in the country . In the economic axis domain we can find that China -Sudan economic and trade cooperation greatly promoted Sudans economic development . A number of Chinese funded enterprises participate in China -Sudan economic and trade cooperation , makes active contribution to Sudan socio-economic development , and becomes the pioneers in Sudans various industries . Currently , there are more than 170 Chinese enterprises in Sudan , involving in fields of oil exploration , water conservancy , electricity , harbors , roads and bridges , municipal administration , communication , agriculture , mining , logistics and services . After ten years of efforts , Chinese oil companies helped Sudan build three major oil fields with an annual output of 26 million tons and crude oil refinery which handles 5000,000 tons crude oil annually , built for Sudan an integrated oil industry mechanism with a complete system , advanced technology , and scientific layout , and realized oil Sudans oil self-sufficiency and surplus for export . Chinese power enterprises help Sudan build four thermal power stations and one hydroelectric power station , and another two one hydroelectric power station , the power generating capacity of these projects exceeds 1.7 million kilowatts , ensured both resident and industrial electricity . China water enterprises help Sudan build Merowe Dam on the Nile with total length of 10 km , realized the millennium dream of Sudanese people . The Rosaries Dam Heightening project and the Dam complex of Upper Atbara project one of gigantic scale upon their completion , they will play an important role in facilitating Sudans agricultural development and promoting Sudans economic and social prosperity and stability . Chinas economic assistance brings tangible benefits to Sudan people and enhance the friendship between Sudan and China , the relationship has long history , and Sudan has been Chinas focus of aid recipient country since early times , China has always provided economic assistance to Sudan with good results wide influence . Since 1970 , the Chinese government has provided the Sudanese government a large number of selfless assistance , even in difficult times of the national economy , China has never stopped providing assistance to Sudan . So far China has completed about 100 bilateral cooperation projects by providing assistance to Sudan . Among the many assistant project , the best representative is Friendship Hall completed in 1976 , the project has always been highly praised by the Sudan government and the people , and has become a symbol of Sino-Sudan friendship Chinas assistance to Sudan is of a wide range of areas . China aided projects includes infrastructure and public welfare and livelihood projects such as roads , bridges , hospitals , schools civil construction , vocational training , agricultural demonstrations , fish farming , power transmission , well digging and water supply and so on . China aided goods and materials include medical equipment , agricultural supplies , irrigation equipments , construction machinery , office equipment , food , medicines and so on . A large number of aid projects by china run throughout the whole Sudan . The projects benefited people from all regions , significantly enhanced the local public service capacity , improved the local self-development capacity , improved humanitarian situation of poverty -stricken areas , promoted Sudans economic prosperity and development , and pushed forward social peace and stability . Sudan is an attractive country of Chinese investments , because it has a vast and fertile land and rich mineral resources and huge potential for economic development . Under the current critical situation , the development of agriculture is unique , and there are broad prospects for the development in this domain , so that Sudans economy enters into structural adjustment and strategic transformation . While Sudan continues to focus on construction and improvement of water conservancy , transportation , electricity and other infrastructure , Sudan actively mobilizes domestic enterprises and attracts foreign investment to explore mineral resources , develop processing and manufacturing industry , enhance its own production capacity , reduce imports and expand exports , increase foreign exchange earning sources , make up for the shortage of foreign exchange caused by oil production , and get rid of the predicament economic development . Generally China and Sudan enjoying friendly and mutually trust political relations , and bilateral economic cooperation is with a solid foundation . Confronted with new opportunities and challenges , bilateral economic and trade cooperation should continue to adhere to the principles of complementary advantages , mutual benefit and common development seize the opportunity , face the challenges , support each other , so as to expand cooperation areas , enrich cooperation content , and create new methods of cooperation in accordance with bilateral natural conditions . First is that Sudan is currently facing special difficulties , China should provide more economic and technical assistance to the Sudanese government within its capacity , and quickly solve the financing problem of current projects of the package cooperation based on mutual understanding , make sure the projects will be completed on time , put the projects into use as soon as possible , and play its due role in Sudans socio-economic development , peace and stability of the remote areas , and improve the quality of life of local residents . At the same time , according to the actual needs of Sudan , China should increase human resources training to Sudan so as to help them improve their capacity of independent development . The second is to further explore new areas of cooperation , encourage competent Chinese enterprises to increase investment in mining , agriculture , processing industry to further enhance bilateral economic and trade cooperation , and constantly reinforce the foundation of the healthy development of bilateral political economic , and diplomatic relations . In the social and cultural axis we find that the popular and commercial dealings was in support of political relations between Sudan and China , where documents and published studies show that the beginning of the student exchange between the Sudan and the Peoples Republic of China started in 1962 , Sudan -China Friendship Association , established in 1956 , played an important role in the rapprochement between the two countries and enlighten the Sudanese people on achievements of the Chinese people. Openness in the political , economic , cultural and social relations between Sudan and China has seen steady growth an aspects of peoples cooperation continued as China began to receive increasing numbers of Sudanese students each year in its universities besides holding of joint cultural weeks in Chinas universities as well as the emergence of a growing trend to send Chinese students to receive education in Sudanese universities in the context of joint cultural cooperation protocols , where ten scholarships were allocated for Chinese students to study in universities in the Sudan recently . Study of Chinese language has been witnessing continuous growing among the Sudanese students , businessmen and employees in the private sector , where they moved to and learn and specialized in it as an addendum to their qualifications for the expansion of their employment opportunities in the Chinese companies operating in Sudan in all areas of investment , or to enable them to receive higher or complementary studies in China . In the field of culture we find that Chinese language which started in 1993 with 20 students and went up to nearly 80 students , who have been chosen from about 260 students who had applied to study Chinese language in some Sudanese universities .
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:03:30 +0000

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