The Sun Never Shines In His Backyard Its just another - TopicsExpress


The Sun Never Shines In His Backyard Its just another day, Dawning grey for him, Dappled his skies, patches of gloom, The sun never shines in his backyard, Muffling a yawn he stumbles out, Of his home of a shack weather-beaten, Slinging a sack over his shoulder bare, To morning those strolls Around city streets and alleys dark, His sleuthing eyes scour every inch, Tender fingers disappear into mounds of trash, Fishing out rags and scraps, bottles and cans. Cackles drawing near turn to murmurs, Pairs of legs quicken pace sighting him, A few noses wrinkle up, To them mere criminals, he and his ilk, His offence, his presence breaking into, And littering up their breathing space, Sidestepping the scum, They move on... Unmindful of the revolted glances, He gathers up the rich haul with care, Spreads a smile thin, Across his sunken cheeks, Lit up his eyes bright, Just bright enough To dim the pangs Of hunger for the day, But too dim, To light up the emptiness dark, In his heart chained in uncertainty, Stifling his cries within, Too dim, To arouse us to the truth, That it takes, Just a handful of love, A look tender, a few words kind, From me and you, To make way for some saccharin To seep into his life parched, And blow away the grey, Letting the sun shine in his backyard, Kissing his wilting petals to life, Blossoming him full to a flower unique, Basking in the love, breathing free... But alas! This was not to be, Oh Man, what ails thee? While your eyes covet Beauty, You choose to don the Devils garb, Play wicked, turning a deaf ear And a blind eye, To budding souls muted, And castrated of their innocence... Would ever a day dawn When youd cast aside your horns, To strap on the angel wings, And feather them bruised souls? Sketch out a clear sky And nurture them to fly? Till you awaken, Enshrouded in shame, youd walk on, Carrying the burden of your deeds, Gnawing into your souls, While the sun would still never shine in his backyard...... by Nuttie Enrgie
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:23:25 +0000

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