The Sun rises to start the day, as it does every day, shedding a - TopicsExpress


The Sun rises to start the day, as it does every day, shedding a soft, gentle light across the awakening land. Cool air left over from the night slowly warms and clouds float by in the morning sky. Dewdrops sparkle on the grass, casting tiny rainbows scattered here and there around the lawn. Birds sing, swiftly darting about, collecting food, preparing for the long Winter to come. Time dances along on tippytoe, the day warms and the dew dries off the grass, passing into the air in the age old cycle. Cool winds drift about the leaves, shifting my hair around my neck in a twirling tickle as it passes to who knows where. The Sun is high overhead as it begins the slow slide to the West, the shadows of the trees puddle beneath them, just the edges passing to the East , growing ever longer as the night comes closer. A hint of woodsmoke tints the air as the bunnies come out to play on the verges of the woods, hopping and dancing, the joy of innocents as the Summer comes to an end. The world quiets as the Sun kisses the Western horizon, in that moment between day and night when the creatures of the dark wake and the creatures of the light lay down their burdens. The sky darkens as one by one, faster and faster, the stars blink into view, ice chips in the air, cool and distant but constant and kind. The air cools, the crickets chirp and lights come on across the valley, the smells change, it seems to snuggle about one with the smells of Autumn, as it should because this is the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equal, the beginning of the Fall season. And then...the Sun rises to start another day.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 13:00:53 +0000

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