The Sunday Sermon. Its amazing to me how things come around - TopicsExpress


The Sunday Sermon. Its amazing to me how things come around right when God gets involved. Everybodys working, moneys coming in, bills are being paid and caught!!! Its all back in the groove now! Welcome back to our little page for this weeks Sunday Sermon!!! Dear friends in Christ, today is a beautiful day. Actually all our days are beautiful days when God is here with us! Its so true. You can be the most miserable person having the most miserable day....but when God gets into the comes the sun!! Theres crystal blue skies, warmth and beauty everywhere!! Im learning this as time goes on. There was one afternoon--Im not sure what I was doing or where I was headed--but all I did was shut down my A/C and rolled down my window. The air was warm, the smell of freshly mown hay was in the air, the sun was shining, and it hit me all at once; God is here in His creation, and Hes showing me that Hes thinking of me!!! Even something as simple as a ladybug landing on my arm when Im sitting outside makes me look up, smile, and say, Hi, God!! Thanks for thinking of me! Take a good look around you sometime, folks, and youll see what I see..... .......God! You can NEVER get enough God in your life. You cant have God in your life and feel bad; if thats the case, then you obviously dont have enough of God, or youre not giving Him control...and I mean COMPLETE CONTROL. If God truly guides you and guides your life, you shouldnt have a care in the world. If you let God control each and every aspect of your life, you shouldnt have to worry about anything. God will provide all your needs according to His riches and glory. God will protect you from anything the devil wants to throw at you. God will preserve and protect your five senses, protect you from untimely or sudden death, protect you from harm by others, protect you from any malady, sickness or disease, protect you from a storm or natural disaster. God can do it all!! He IS a vast, eternal, limitless God! He is our source of strength and protection, our source of mercy and love, and our healer!! I can tell you this: you can NEVER get enough God in your life!!! Let Him into your life more and more, let Him come to you in His love, let Him take you over! If God is your co-pilot, HES IN THE WRONG SEAT!!! SWITCH PLACES!! My friends, Ive been having a rather humorous learning experience about God and about Jesus. My wife has been teaching her Sunday school kids about miracles, and Ive been the volunteer for all of them. I was man born blind that Jesus healed. I played the part of Jesus when He multiplied the loaves and fish that fed five thousand. My next cameo part will either be the man with the withered hand or the leper that Jesus cleansed. You would think, Hey, youre doing this all for fun and learning; theyre two-to-six year olds, they may or may not remember. I disagree. The mind of a child is actually a very complex thing; they learn and remember, and have the ability to learn and remember a lot more than you might give them credit for. These little lessons that my wife teaches will be remembered (even the silly man with the mask that pretended he was blind) by these children as they grow, and it gives them the foundation to build their faith for their walk with Jesus. I, too, learn from these little cameos that I play, and it strengthens my faith as well, as it does for my wife when she teaches them. Yet another way we get a little more of God in our teaching others about Him! We need to let God show up and show out. We need to unleash the beast of our faith, meaning, we need to let God in, get all the lousy stuff out, and let Him fill us up with His joy and His goodness!!! That beast of our faith is there, inside us, but its walled in, caged up by all the earthly stuff we keep packed up in there. It leaves no room for God!! Hes getting cramped in there with all the junk piled up around Him! So what we need to do is go through and do a good, old-fashioned spring cleaning in our heart and in our soul. We need to get all those boxes of junk--old mistakes of the past, regrets, bad decisions, bad choices, and whatever else--OUT...make room....and let God in!!! When we do that, God comes in, awakens that beast within us, that one that was all cramped in by the earthly junk, and lets it stretch, breathe, grow, and develop into an instrument of God. When God comes in, only goodness, love, kindness and mercy can be there...NOTHING ELSE!! There can be no malice, hatred, regret, misery...NONE OF IT!! God tosses all of that out and lets His love come in!! In turn, our beast within us can grow and flourish. It then has the ability to help us to give God the praise and glory on an even more grand scale! Unleash the beast! Give it some running room and watch it grow!! When it does your faith...and so do you!!! Let go and let God. Youre not a superhero. You cant do this all by yourself. You need God. He needs you. It all works out for the better!! Give it a try...and watch how your life will change!! Have a blessed, safe week!!! Blessings! Don.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 04:03:16 +0000

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