The Sunday Sermon. We experienced TOTALLY AWESOME WORSHIP in - TopicsExpress


The Sunday Sermon. We experienced TOTALLY AWESOME WORSHIP in Church this morning! This is too cool: Aaron was singing, Break Every Chain, and as I worshipped along with the rest of the congregation, I could feel the Spirit there. I knew God was visiting His faithful people, including me. How did I know this? God gave me a hug! :0) I felt His arms around me in a great big holy hug, and I knew everything was right in His world (and mine, too!) Father, I need you every moment of my life and I thank you for always being with me! Gods there for you all the time, just like God is good all the time. Hes never going to leave you, nor will He forsake you. Our God is an INCREDIBLE God!!!! Declare today that God is working in your life and something good is going to happen to you! -Pastor John Hagee. This weeks edition of The Sunday Sermon is all about knowing that God is there. Sometimes life comes at you hard and fast. You try to take life one day at a time, but it seems that several days want to attack you at once. We all deal with it. Often times we wonder if God is there. Just last night, I was alone with my thoughts, and suddenly, I realized how much I missed my mother. I cried. Then I thought of my father, away up in northern Maine, living the rest of his life alone now. I cried some more. As I cried, I prayed. The comforting Presence of God came to me. Mom is Home now, in Heaven with Jesus. Dad is NOT alone; God is with him as well, and Dad knows all he has to do is call me. I will be here for him, just like God is here for all of us. All you have to do is call upon the Name of the Lord. Isaiah 41:10 says it best; So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Gods got this. We have absolutely NOTHING to fear! The Hand of God will protect us and shield us. In our darkest hours, God is there with us! When we fall, God will come to our aid, lift us back up, dust us off and get us going again. I may have had a good cry--part of the grieving process, I know--but I will NOT feel total sadness, for Gods love is there, His mercy is there, His glory is there, and all of this will give us strength to deal with this earthly life....... .....He gives you heavenly hugs, too! :0) My Daily Message From God: Today, Donald, we believe God wants you to know that ...the voice of God is best heard in silence. All too often loud events and daily busyness cloud your vision of God. Take some time to slow down; let there be silence, let there be peace. Calm your mind and let your inner voice re-emerge from the silence. Allow yourself to see visions, allow yourself to dream dreams; and you may hear the voice of God reaching out to you. I love worshipping in our Church on a Sunday morning. The whole Church, the whole congregation is alive with the Spirit, praising and singing. We get kind of noisy in this celebration, yes, we can definitely say that we make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Its a wonderful, beautiful celebration of love for our God, and we as a Church, as a people of God, know that where two or more are gathered to pray, there Jesus will be in our midst. Theres another side to this type of worship. That kind of worship is the peaceful, one-on-one meditation that we have, just God and us. I love to pray before I go to sleep at night. The room is dark, the house is silent, and its only God and myself. I raise my hands in prayer and let the Spirit come to me, and I offer my heartfelt prayers to God. Theres been a few times Ive fallen asleep as I finish my prayers; I slept like a baby, and woke up feeling like a new man. I spoke of this in another message: the best way to really connect with God is to pray from that powerful level of deep silence that is spiritual meditation. Go to that inner room within yourself, let everything else fade from your senses until all you can hear is the Voice of God. His Voice isnt always a voice of thunder, earthquakes and lightning. God also speaks in a tiny whisper, a still, small voice that can only be heard IF YOURE TRULY LISTENING. Not just hearing....LISTENING! God has messages for you, and its up to YOU to hear, acknowledge and obey them. Gods will is fulfilled when you listen to and obey Him. The Bible says in Ephesians 1:13-14: In him you also, when you heard the Word of Truth, the Gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory. God has promised, and He will do it. You have to obey His commands and walk in His ways, and all will be given to you by our Most High God! Revelation 1:8: I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. So, how are you doing this week in your walk with Jesus? Are you living a Christian life? When a temptation or a trial comes your way, are you asking, What would Jesus do? Ah yes....human existence...such fun! Satan keeps bringing it all to us, and we keep batting him away, and here he comes again. Ole Satan just doesnt know when to quit. He wants us to turn away from God and follow his lies and false teaching, his empty promises and other garbage that he thinks he can get us to do. Sure, we have our moments when we sin. We have our annoying little sins that we simply cant let go. We keep beating ourselves silly with this sin or sins that we hate ourselves for doing, but yet, we keep on doing them. The solution is so simple...GIVE THEM TO JESUS! Our Drama Team at Church this morning did a little skit on this. Jesus keeps forgiving us for the sins we commit, sure, but how much better would your Christ-life be if you just gave that sin to Jesus and let Him deal with it? Thats why He gave His life on the Cross! Thats why He shed His Blood for us at the Crucifixion! He died so that our sins would be forgiven, but if you cant let go of that sin, get rid of it forever by offering it up at the foot of the Cross, how can you truly walk the straight path with Christ? Romans 5:6 tells us: You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Philippians 4:4-7 reads, Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Jesus wants you to walk with Him, and that means giving up your old ways and putting on His ways. Get rid of that ole, beat-up sin, give it to Him and let Him destroy it. Learn to listen to God, really truly listen to God, and live according to His will. Know that God is always with you, and His love will break EVERY chain of sin, every burden of sadness that you carry, everything that Satan throws at you to try to make your life miserable...its ALL subject to the power of Gods will! Let God give you a hug--and be SURE to HUG HIM BACK--because He loves you more than any one person here on this planet. There is POWER in the Name of BREAK EVERY CHAIN, BREAK EVERY CHAIN, BREAK EVERY CHAIN!!! JESUS IS LORD FOR EVER AND EVER!!! Have a safe, blessed week! Blessings! Don.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 22:09:31 +0000

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