The Sunday Sermons . . . August 11, 2013 . . . - TopicsExpress


The Sunday Sermons . . . August 11, 2013 . . . Jesus: “I AM with you. I walk with you. I reach-out, because there are things I wish to tell you. I wish to speak, with you, not at you. If you will open to My presence, I will lead you where it is you need to go. I will hold your face, between My hands, and, lovingly, point you here or there, so that you might turn and see, that which you might have missed along The Way. “ I speak to you today . . . of ‘Faith!’ “When you are operating in the world, it is sometimes easy to lose the magic, and the majesty, of faith; and this was happening with those who walked with Me, those who loved Me, those I gathered around Me to lead into new thoughts, new codes, new ways of living upon Earth. And so I called-out to a child, close by, ‘Come here!’ And the child came to Me. In fact, the child came, and grabbed onto My leg, looking at Me, with eyes which said, ‘I know who you are,’ as only a child can do. I put My arm around the child, and I said to those around Me... ‘“You cannot know The Kingdom of Heaven, until you are like this child!’ When I spoke those words, I was not addressing the matter of the death of the physical body, and the rising of the spirit, to return to the Heavenly Kingdom... I was further guiding them... into the understanding... that it is possible to walk upon the Earth, in the body of a human being, and know The Kingdom of God! In fact, that is as it was intended to be, as it is intended to be. And this requires Faith, the faith of a child! “Now, when all things are right, and in balance, in the human family, a core unit of people, related by blood, marriage, bearing children, the children have faith in the parent. Whether it’s father, or mother, or both parents together, in a functioning family the children have faith in the parents. If something goes wrong, they run to the parents for comfort. If something is very right, they jump with glee, running again to the parents. If they are hungry they have faith they will be fed. If they need new shoes they have faith they will have shoes. When they take the hand of the parent, they walk confidently, ‘knowing,’ that there is the protector with them, as they go out into the world, no matter whether it is: the first day of school; the first day of college; the first day they move into their own apartment; or, the first day that they will say, ‘I do,’ to another. With all of these ‘firsts,’ they have faith... that their parents, their earthly parents, are there, supporting, protecting, guiding, holding their hand while they walk into the world. “This is the way it is meant to be in a functioning family. And this is exactly the way it’s meant to be, when you have faith, in your Eternal Parent; just as a child, jumping with glee, when something goes very right, sitting quietly, waiting for guidance, when things appear to go very wrong; yet taking the hand of the Eternal Parent, and walking, with faith, and confidence. This is as it’s meant to be. And I will share this with each of you, this is how I lived upon the Earth! I would step away from the crowd, I would go into a deserted place, I would climb upon a hill, or sail-out on a sea to reconnect, in a most profound way, with God, the Eternal Parent, so: that as I walked, My hand was completely enfolded in the hand of God; that every step I took had direction, as guided by God; that the words I spoke, were not Mine, but those ‘of God.’ And this ensured... I would complete My mission... holding the hand of My Eternal Parent, through all things. “I share this message, with each of you today, because it is the simple answer to a question of faith: “Be, as a child! Every time you see a parent, walking hand-in-hand with a child, it should restore your faith, to some degree, and be ‘an outward sign,’ of how you should be walking with God. Call Me, sit with Me, and I will speak to thee, and I will fill you with guidance, and point you in the right direction; but you can be assured that direction will usually be... “Have faith, and take the hand of God, for it is always there! It is easy to reach-out, and take the hand of God!”
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 14:30:42 +0000

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