The Superb Owl. What can I say about this Magnificent creature? - TopicsExpress


The Superb Owl. What can I say about this Magnificent creature? One day a year(inexplicably, always a Sunday) For just a few hours, it leaves its nest. In these few hours it gathers food for the coming year as well as gathering materials to repair or (in the case of the younger Superb Owls leaving their parents nest) build their nests. Every year, America is Transfixed by this beautiful avian creature. Tens of Thousands of Americans leave their houses on Superb Owl Sunday to observe the owls in person, while millions of others watch, memorized, at home with limited commercial interruption. Most of this years Superb Owl Sunday festivities are already wrapping up, with the owls having returned to their nests not long ago. Personally, I was excited to see, in many locations of the country, the Superb Owls had to contend with local Groundhogs, though in most cases the Owls succeeded in running the groundhogs off. It was an exciting day, and I look forward to seeing these beautiful creatures yet again, next year.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 04:49:22 +0000

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