The Superiority of Supplication Source: Ain-al-Hayat, By: - TopicsExpress


The Superiority of Supplication Source: Ain-al-Hayat, By: Allama Muhammad Baqir Majlisi A superior way of prayer and an easy method to achieve nearness to Allah is through supplication. The method of supplication, as prescribed by the Infallible Imams (as), is that after offering the mandatory prayers, one must recite supplications depending on the time that can be taken out from the other duties. The Creator of the Universe Himself says, “Call Me (through supplication) and I shall respond! Those who don’t believe in supplication are conceited people. Their place will be the Hell in the Hereafter. If man wants to call Allah and wishes the prayers to be answered, then he has to implicitly follow the Commandments of Allah.” Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) said to Ma’Isar, “O Ma’Isar! Offer prayer to Allah and don’t say that what is destined will happen. You should remember that Allah has absolute control over the destinies and supplication can change the fate of persons.” Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) said, “The best prayer is supplication and the worst enemy of Allah is a person who, in his pride, refuses to do supplication and invocation. To the contrary one who supplicates to Allah with due humility will get his prayers answered. It is like the door opening for a person who keeps knocking at it!” Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) says, “Supplication is the dearest act of the creature in the consideration of Allah.” The Prophet of Allah (S) has said, “Supplication is the sword of the mu’min to subdue his adversaries. It is a pillar of the Faith that makes the structure of the Faith stronger. It illumines the Firmament and the earth.” Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) has said, “Supplication is sharper than the spear and the arrow. It wards away calamities. Supplicate, and supplicate the more! Supplication is the key to Allah’s Blessings. It is the cure for all pains and aches.” Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said that for warding out the wave of calamities one should have access to supplication even before the calamitous situation arises. He also said that calamities visit the mu’mins fast like the water falling down the hill. In such situation the only alternative for the person will be prayer and supplication. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) says that three things are there for a person’s protection: 1. Prayer when a calamity comes. 2. Repentance after committing a sin. 3. Thanking Allah for the Bounties. The Etiquette of Supplication Supplication is petitioning Allah for fulfillment of one’s legitimate desires. It is therefore necessary that the supplicant should be conversant with the meaning of the prayer and the etiquette of reciting the prayer. He must recite the supplication with dedication of heart and his attitude should be equally submissive if not more than what he adopts for asking a favor from a fellow human being. First Condition: When a person approaches another person for a favor, he keeps in mind certain things. Firstly, whatever he says, he says with full understanding. Whatever he plans in his mind to say, he communicates to the person verbatim. While supplicating to Allah, a person should have his specific purpose in his mind. Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said, “Allah doesn’t answer the prayer of a person whose prayer doesn\t come from his heart.” Therefore, one should pray from the depths of his heart and should have a conviction that Allah will fulfill his wish. Second Condition: When a person seeks help from another in time of difficulty, it is necessary that the person has to be known to him. It is an added advantage if the two have been acquainted with each other in the past. Similarly when one has to approach Allah for the grant of a wish, it is necessary that the person should have been offering thanks to the Almighty for His Bounties! Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said that when a person wants Allah to help him in times of difficulty, he must make it a habit to supplicate to Allah before any such difficulty arises. He should not present himself to Allah as a total stranger when he needs help. One person asked Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) that Allah exhorts people to ask for things and he would grant them. But he said that he keeps praying but the prayers remain unanswered. The Imam (as) replied, “Have you fulfilled the covenants you made with Allah? Have you observed the do’s and don’ts prescribed for you. If not, then how can you expect Him to grant your wishes?” Third Condition: When we expect favors from a person, we serve him meticulously to keep him in good cheer. Similarly those who are more particular in offering prayers to Allah, generally get their wishes granted. Therefore the prayers of those who are closer to Allah get answered. For this one has to be pious, honest and truthful. Fourth Condition: Another condition for the effectiveness of supplication is the state of understanding of the Almighty. Firmer the Faith of the supplicant, better the chance of his prayers getting answered. Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as) was asked by someone, “O son of the Prophet (S)! We pray, but our prayers are not answered.” The Imam replied, “Do you know Him whom you approach for granting your wishes!” Fifth Condition: Beseeching and lamentation during supplication is very effective for acceptance of the prayers. The more humility a supplicant manifests, the more there will be the chance of Allah granting his wish. It is common knowledge that even in mundane affairs, the persons in power respond to those who appeal to them for help with humility and beseeching. Sixth Condition: The etiquette of supplication demands that the supplicant doesn’t reveal the purpose his prayer. The belief is that Allah prefers the individual prayer of a suppliant over that of a group. However, if the suppliant feels that he is a sinner, he can join a group of persons of piety to make a supplication. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said in this regard that if forty persons supplicate as a group on Friday, their prayers will definitely be answered. The Imam (as) also said, “Whenever my revered father did supplication, he used to call all the members of the family to join in. He would recite the supplication and the rest would say, ‘Amen’!” Seventh Condition: The timing of a supplication too is very vital for the effectiveness of the prayers. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said that four times are most suitable for prayer: 1. When there is a sandstorm. 2 When it rains. 3. At the time when a battle is going on. 4. When a mu’min is martyred and the first drop of his blood falls to the ground. Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said that four timings are specific for supplications: 1. While reciting the Holy Qur’an. 2. When one hears the call for prayer- Adhaan. 3. When it rains. 4. When a battle is raging and mu’mins get martyred. The Prophet of Allah (S) has said that the best time for supplication is near dawn (Sahar). Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said “Do your supplication before sun-rise. This is the time when the rivers of the Firmament are opened, sustenance is distributed and prayers are answered.” Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) has said, “If one wants to supplicate to Allah, three timings are the most suitable: 1.On Fridays before the congregational sermon is delivered. 2. At the time of sunset. 3. Before sunrise (every day).” Imam Zain-ul-’Abidin (as) narrates that Lady Fatima Zahra (as) heard the Prophet of Allah (S) say that there is a particular time on Fridays when prayers are generally answered. When asked, what is that timing, the Prophet (S) said that it is the time when the sun is half way to set. Amir’ul-Mu’mineen ‘Ali (as) said on Friday there will be a wind of Allah’s Blessing around sunset. The doors of the Heaven are open at that time. This is the best time for supplicating to Allah. Eighth Condition: Crying and beseeching makes the supplication effective. If tears flow from the supplicant’s eye while he prays, or even one drop of tear comes out of the eye, the prayer will definitely be answered. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said the creature nearest to Allah is one who, while prostrating in prayer, cries and if he has lost hope of his prayer getting answered he should raise his hands towards the Heaven as if importuning Allah for granting his wish. Nineth Condition: The supplicant should give alms to poor and needy because these are the servants of Allah. They are like the janitors at a king’s palace. To reach the king, one has to please the janitors. Tenth Condition: One should make others needs the medium of conveying his own prayers for acceptance. If one approaches a munificent person and places the needs of others ahead of his own requirement, the donor will be pleased with the concern of the person for others and fulfils his demand. Therefore, the Prophet of Allah (S) has said that when one prays, he should pray not only for himself but pray for others as well. Such prayers will be answered. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) says that a person remembers forty mu’mins in his prayers, his own prayer too will be accepted. The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that a person’s prayer may not be accepted as soon as the prayer for the one who is away, and the person prays for him, from a distance. Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) has said that the most acceptable prayer is one that is offered for a mu’min who is not present at the place. The Prophet of Islam (S) has said that when a person prays in general for the mu’mins, Allah will keep in mind the numbers of mu’mins past and those yet to come and fulfils his wishes accordingly. If the person’s actions qualify him for going to Hell, the spirits of the mu’mins would plead with Allah for his pardon that he used to pray for them. Then Allah would pardon him and send him to Heaven Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as) has said when a mu’min prays for another who is not present, Allah will reward him a hundred times for this act. Eleventh Condition: For acceptance of the prayers, one should thank Allah for His Bounties before supplicating. This is the same way, when a person of status is approached for help, his past munificence is mentioned with profuse thanks. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said: If you wish your prayers to be answered, you should first praise Allah, then say durood (benediction) for the Prophet and his Holy Progeny (S) that your prayers are answered soon. It is like when one wants to approach a king, he makes presents to those who are close to him. Therefore it is essential that one offers benediction to the Prophet (S) and his family. This benediction should always be repeated before and after any prayer is made. It is natural that when what is accepted before and after the prayer, the prayer too will be accepted! The Prophet of Allah (S) has said, “Say benediction on me and my Ahl-ul-Bayt so that the angels will say benediction for you. Benediction removes dissensions amongst people.” It is said: When you hear the Prophet (S)’s name, offer benediction again and again. Because when a person says the benediction once, all the creatures would praise the person. Ignorant and unfortunate is the person who is not aware of this requirement. Allah, the Prophet (S) and the Ahl-ul-Bayt will be annoyed with such persons. It is mentioned in a tradition that in the balance of actions, no act has so much weight as the benediction of the Prophet (S) and the Ahl-ul-Bayt. On the Day of Judgment, the actions of the men would be put in the balance, but since they will be light, the scale would tilt to the other side. Then the Prophet (S) would put the benedictions uttered by the person on the side of the scale where his actions are there. Thus the balance will tilt in favor of the person! There is another tradition that if one wishes to save his face from the Hellfire, then say the benediction (Salawat) a hundred times after the morning prayer. A person who says the benediction a hundred times after the Friday prayer, Allah will fulfill his sixty wishes--- thirty in this life and thirty in the Hereafter. Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) says that on the eve of Friday the angels descend from the firmament and their number is equivalent to the particles in the atmosphere or the ants on the earth. These angels will have golden pens and tablets in their hands. They will not record the actions of the persons who were not attended by the benediction to the Prophet till Saturday of the week. It is therefore advised that on the eve and the day of Friday, the benediction is repeatedly uttered. The Imam (as) also said that it was the Prophet (S)\s exhortation (Sunna Mu’akkadah or emphasized) that one should repeat the benediction a thousand times on Fridays and a hundred times on the week days. Imam Ar-Ridha’ (as) has said, “If a person doesn’t have the means to pay expiation (Kaffarah) for his sins, he should utter benediction to the Prophet and his Ahl-ul-Bayt (as) that it will reduce the burden of his sins.” Imam ‘Ali Naqi (as) says, “Allah has deemed Prophet Ibrahim (as) His friend because he used to excessively utter benediction to Muhammad (S) and his Ahl-ul-Bayt.” Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) says that one who says the benediction like this, May Allah send His blessings and His angles, His prophets, His messengers, and all of His creatures send their blessings upon Mohammad and the progeny of Mohammad, and salutations, Allah’s blessings and mercy upon Mohammad and the progeny of Mohammad? His sins would be obliterated and he would be as clean as he way at his birth. Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (as) is quoted by an authentic source as having said: When one gets a sneeze, he should say: Praise to Allah the Lord of the worlds and may Allah send his blessings upon Mohammad and the progeny of Mohammad? In another tradition it is said that when one hears the sound of sneezing by someone else, he should say the benediction mentioned above. He will never, then, get pain of the teeth or the eyes. The Prophet of Islam (S) has said: One who does not say benediction on me and my progeny, will never get the fragrance of the Heaven although this smell reaches as far as the distance that can be traveled over a period of five hundred years. Then the Prophet (S) said, “One who says the benediction on me and my Ahl-ul-Bayt, the doors to the Heaven will open for him and the angels say benediction on him a seventy times. If he has sinned, the sins will be obliterated like the leaves in the season of fall. Allah says, ‘O creature! Sadaika—I have accepted your prayers and I shall give you succor!’ Then Allah will order the angels to say benediction for the person a seventy times.” Then the Prophet (S) says, “If someone sends benediction for me and not for my Ahl-ul-Bayt, then seven curtains will obstruct it in the Firmament and Allah says, ‘La labbaik wa la sadaika—neither your prayer is acceptable nor shall succor come to you’” Allah further says, ‘O My angels! Don’t allow his prayers to reach the sky. Till he includes the Ahl-ul-Bayt in his benediction for the Prophet (S)’ In another tradition of the Prophet (S) it is recorded, “When I am mentioned before a person, and he doesn’t say benediction for me and my Ahl-ul-Bayt, his sins will not be pardoned and he will be denied Allah’s Rewards.” At another place the Prophet (S) has said, “The most miserly and evil is the person who has not uttered my benediction when my name is mentioned to him.” Then the Prophet (S) added, “One who forgets to send benediction for me has forgotten the way to the Heaven.” Malik Jehni narrates that he presented a flower to Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as). The Imam (as) took it, smelled it, touched it to his eyes and said, “When a person smells a flower, touches it with his eyes and says benediction to Muhammad (S) and his Ahl-ul-Bayt, before the flower leaves his hands, his deliverance would have been granted!” Imam Ja’far As-Sadiq (as) has said, “A person who says the benediction a hundred times, his wishes will definitely be fulfilled!” The Prophet of Allah (S) has said, “Whosoever says the benediction on me a hundred times on Fridays, Allah will fulfill sixty of his wishes, thirty in this life and the other thirty in the Hereafter!” It is a Sunna Mu’akkadah that a believer should say the benediction a thousand times on the eve and the day of Friday.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:05:21 +0000

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