The Supreme Court ruling regarding California Prop 8 Effectively - TopicsExpress


The Supreme Court ruling regarding California Prop 8 Effectively today the message was sent by the Supreme Court that the “will of the people” can and will be over ruled by Government. This effectively undermines the Constitution clause; “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” -; The underlying Supreme Court Ruling is “we the people” has no merit and the peoples will is null and void, thus the will of Government dictates and overrides the will of the people. The definition of this practice is “Tyranny” and opens up the way for… 1 Samuel 8 – corruption in civil government. Why did Israel ask for a King? - 1 Samuel 8 – corruption in civil government. “Design of the State defined by biblical and constitutional laws- God, King (the civil authority), and citizens; Delegation of Authority & Submission – Divine Attributes stamped on social order 1. Delegation – The Father delegated authority to Jesus; God delegated authority to the civil magistrate 2. Subjection – The Son is subject to the Father; wives are subject to husbands; people are subject to their rulers E. State Purpose – To punish evil and condone good – Law is based on ethics “ What we now have, has been defined in one swift decision of the Supreme Court…. New Design of State - King (the civil authority) over citizens. This is the reality of the underlying direction of this ruling. Sadly they are blind to it and if they do see it, it is designed to destroy the family morality and Sovereignty as defined by God’s law. “Marriage is primarily designed so that a man and woman become one flesh. God said in Genesis 2:24,25 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.” However there is an order to the marriage that follows the order of divine nature and it is stated in God’s design of the State – the Father to the Son, the Son to the State, the State to the people. Thus is the marriage order - God the Father to Jesus the Son, Jesus the Son to the father (human male), the father (human male) to wife (human female) to the children. This order is also the same in the church. So where do we find ourselves today? The Rise of the State A. Death by the state – Because the state holds the power of the sword, it has the capacity to become tyrannical and commit extreme atrocities B. State seen as “savior” – Hegel: “the State is the march of God through the world…” C. State begins to assume roles and responsibilities within the sphere of the family D. “Go Before Us” – 1 Samuel 8:19-20 “with a king who will lead us and go out before us and fight our battles” Also see Exodus 32:1, Isaiah 52:12, and Isaiah 45:2 E. Decline of a culture – Social disorder in America is strikingly similar to that which marked the decline of Rome V. Conclusion – “…but they have rejected Me as their king” 1 Samuel 8:7 “God’s perspective on the state, we will discover through a careful examination of relevant Scriptural passages, is that it is strictly subordinate to His sovereign dominion and control. Just as the Son is subject to the Father, the wife to the husband, and the elders of the church to the headship of Christ, so the authority of the state, within the economy of the divine design for the political sphere, is subject to and dependent upon the authority of God Himself. Governors and magistrates hold their power purely as delegates with the sword in order that they might 1)punish evil and 2)condone good. Those who forget those principles and become puffed up with a sense of their own importance are, like Ahab (1Kings 21), Nebuchadnezzer (Daniel 4:20-30), Uzzaih (2 Chronicles 26), and Herod (Acts 12:21-23), liable to swift and severe judgment. This last point is worthy of special attention; for, as the Bible and history demonstrates, when human rulers overstep their bounds, deny the sovereignty of various social spheres, seek the establish state control over every other area of human life, tyranny, oppression, and violence are sure to follow.; most notably in the 20th century the godless expression of Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot. It’s rearing its ugly head again…. In the face of this trend, Bible believing Christians must have the courage to resist ‘The Rise of State’ – to stand firm, and draw a line in the sand, and say, ‘this is far and no more’.” - The truth project. org © 2006 Focus on the Family. References: - The truth project. org © 2006 Focus on the Family. - Liberty Anointed King James Study Bible ©1798, 1988 Liberty University - King James Study Bible © 1985 Thomas Nelson, INC.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:26:58 +0000

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