The #TPP insiders - TopicsExpress


The #TPP insiders intentionally reintroduced once-defeated-SOPA legislation (which makes sharing copyrighted information a criminal offense, pushing almost all online content to be pay-per-view) as a sort of bribe to the media to stay quiet, as the corporations steamrolled this deal through Congress. Corporate-sponsored media outlets complied, because they know they will make a financial killing, if TPP (with SOPA) were passed. This is exactly why most people have not heard of TPP. Most media outlets are not printing articles about it...or if they are, they get the same corporations which are organizing the TPP to write Op Eds...who blatantly LIE about this trade deal or manipulate facts. Like they will say, TPP will create jobs... -- what they leave out is that the new jobs will be in foreign sweatshops, after transnational corporations have done away with unions and the min. wage...or been completely able to bypass our local and national laws...and they leave out the extreme poverty that will be perpetuated in the poorer countries that sign on, while slaughtering the 1st world economies with job loss, environmental poisoning and a practically shutdown internet (where only the rich can access or stream online content). #StopTPP #NoFastTrack #NoSmartTrack #Anons #Anonymous...find these people...make them hear us! --v #TPPisTreason
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 08:18:40 +0000

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