The TRUTH of reality is beyond the boundaries set by our core - TopicsExpress


The TRUTH of reality is beyond the boundaries set by our core systems of beliefs. We all speculate about MATTER and ENERGY but what we know cannot be communicated to others. It simply has to be EXPERIENCED by each and every individuals. Our human bodies are simply pulsating ACTION ENERGY EVENTS. We know matter has no SOLIDITY, in terms of what is meant by solid. All matter is filled with what we term empty-space. You may say SO WHAT ??? How is that IDEA important to me in the practical betterment of my personal reality??? There are laws of CONSCIOUSNESS on our plane that governs the transformation of spirit into emotional energy and then which transforms emotional energy into MATTER. Unless these fundamental idea constructions are somewhat understood, contemplated and them emotionally appreciated, we humans cannot truly begin to understand and nor really appreciate WHAT and WHO we are as spiritual beings. The term SPIRITUAL, I regret itself is quite at risk of being corrupted and grossly misunderstood. Indeed human suffer under the misconception that they are becoming MORE and MORE SPIRITUAL. This idea of spiritual is based upon error of conception. Everything and ALL CONSCIOUSNESS is EQUALLY SPIRITUAL. Nothing is more spiritual than anything else is less nor more than any other thing nor phenomenon in ALL EXISTENCE. ALL LAWS IN THE UNIVERSE ARE PSYCHIC LAWS. ( OR ) All laws in the Universe are Mental Laws, and each of these so-called laws in our human terms, must be translated into EMOTIONAL ENERGY to form or create MATTER, even your own corporeal living sculpture. These laws become familiar to each of us on a daily basis, in our everyday familiar personal reality through our ATTENTIONS UPON OUR FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS. There is NOTHING KNOWN TO ANY HUMAN INDIVIDUAL MORE SPIRITUAL THAN THE CONSTANT CONSTRUCTION OF HIS TRANSFORMATION OF HIS OWN PURE ENERGY INTO HIS OWN LIVING SCULPTURE. This construction OF EACH HUMAN LIVING SCULPTURE is equally tantamount to the CONSTRUCTION OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. In your human terms these laws of consciousness governs the construction of matter that composes your human corporeal structure; but these laws are psychic or emotional laws having to do with the ABILITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL in the projection of IDEA INTO MATTER. This ability to transmit SPIRITUAL ENERGY IS AN INTENTIONAL DELIBERATE SUBCONSCIOUS PHENOMENON OF THE INNER SELF ON THE BASIS OF YOUR CURRENT BELIEFS. This ability to receive and transmit is learned and acquired during each simultaneous existence. The prime factor of course is the individuals ability to avail himself or herself of their own inexhaustible field of energy. You must now see and recognize the importance of successive incarnations. RESPONSIBILITY REGARDING PERSONAL CONSCIOUSNESS, - re-existences or REINCARNATIONS.You may choose any term which seems to suit your fancy. NOW; You must see the HEALTHY BEAUTIFUL LIVING SCULPTURE , IS THEREFOR, Eloquent Testimony of inner-balance of the ego psychological structure. For the mature mind there is no division or no separations between the so-called EGO and the INNER-SELF or INNER-EGO. You must REALIZE there is nothing more importantly spiritually in your human terms than the CONSTANT CREATION and well-being of your own human living sculpture. It is silly to talk about GOD and SPIRITUALITY and habitually ignore your own DIVINE SPIRITUAL LIVING SCULPTURE. You yourselves must now look again at yourselves within what you belive constitute the NATURE of MATTER and what you have been taught was the CORE ESSENCE OF SPIRITUALITY. Nothing could be further from the naked truth. Your body is as divinely spiritual as any IMAGINARY GOD could ever possibly become. YOUR BODYS ESSENCE is god living in corporeal living form. Your greatest product of your own personal realization consciously of you spirituality is the CONSTANT CREATION IN THE CREATION OF YOUR OWN MOST INTIMATE ENVIRONMENT AS YOUR LIVING SCULPTURE WHERE SPIRIT IS CONSTANTLY FROM ONE FORM OF ENERGY PATTERNS INTO OTHER ENERGY PERSONALITY ESSENCES. Consider for a moment now in your time, the spectacular framework of you LIVING SCULPTURE - YOUR BODY IN SPIRIT TO FLESH - do this at first just from what seems the standpoint of physical matter ``~ You of course perceive it as SOLID~ as your senses forces you to perceive all other matter; yet here you come face to face in your own personal experience the GREAT REAL ILLUSION OF SOLIDIFIED EMOTIONAL VITALITY. The more matter is explored the more it becomes SPIRITUAL IN ESSENCE , for within or beneath matter energy takes on different shapes or patterns ~ in the form of organs, cells.molecules, atoms,electrons,sub-atomic particles, BUT NOW BENEATH THESE ARE FOUND THE BASIS OF EVERYTHING. There is beneath the atomic-structure other units of pure energy as, E E UNITS - Electromagnetic pure EMOTIONAL UNITS OF ENERGY , and underneath these are PURE ENERGY CONSCIOUSNESS- UNITS, or C U units which cannot be broken down nor annihilated anywhere within the universe at anytime under any possible circumstances. This is the NATURE OF SPIRITUALITY. Spirituality is the nature of reality. Humans can become more and more aware. Humans cannot become more spiritual than the ETERNAL INDESTRUCTIBLE DIVINE VALID SOUL.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:35:06 +0000

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