The TURAH is the only weapon that will destroy evil in all we do. - TopicsExpress


The TURAH is the only weapon that will destroy evil in all we do. But Christians and their Pastors will say that the Law is done away with? How can the Law be done away with when YAHUSHUA (WHO IS THE LAW) said I have not come to destroy it but fulfill it Mathew 5 V 17). Thats why I dont really trust what Christians believe I cant really fellowship with many of them cause they are so programmed and deceived by the Radical Grace message. What ELAHABE did is that HE now wrote His Law in our Hearts (Ezekial 36 V 26-27), now its RUACH HAKODDOSH our IMMA YAH that will teach us all things (TURAH). Thats why John said its not a burden to keep the LAW 1 John 5 V 3. Now John is the disciple who received the revelation of the LOVE of YAHUAH in the renewed contract (called new testament). Study his letters and u will see that basically what he emphasised through RUACH is that LOVE is practical and not emotional. LOVE is a verb thats why our Commander in Chief said if you LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS (John 14 V 15). So our obediance determines our LOVE for the CREATOR YAHABE. So all this new teaching on radical grace is satanic. Thats why Christianity is based on emotions (crying, jumping, running up and down, shouting thats all they do) people think its power. Even Christian music is based on emotions. All of that is nothing if we dont obey TURAH. But they will tell u TURAH is done away with and its old? Man the deception of the endtimes is crazy study your Bibles cause there a lot of foolish teachings going around and Christian TV is promoting it and people dont see. We need discernment . Selah !!!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 10:43:55 +0000

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