The Table Rock Foundation, Wilson Biochar Associates and Lomakatsi - TopicsExpress


The Table Rock Foundation, Wilson Biochar Associates and Lomakatsi Restoration Project invite you to attend a Biochar Burn School from November 15 - 17 near Grants Pass, Oregon. Registration is required here: biocharburnschool.eventbrite Biochar Burn School An oak savannah restoration project at the Enchanted Forest near Grants Pass, Oregon, has generated a number of woody debris burn piles. The project managers invite you to participate in a 3-day learning session from Friday Nov. 15 through Sunday Nov. 17 to experiment with different techniques for burning that will attempt to minimize smoke emissions and maximize the conversion of biomass to charcoal for ecological benefit. PLEASE REGISTER FOR EACH DAY YOU WISH TO ATTEND. Registration is free, but you will be asked to donate $10-20 per day for breakfast and other expenses when you arrive at the site. Who Should Attend? What Will We Do? Land managers, biochar gardeners, ecologists, forestry contractors and fire fighters will be interested in this project. Participants should come ready to do some physical labor to help construct hand piles, ignite and burn piles, and help with fire safety. Bring your own work gloves and hand tools. All burn piles will be quenched with water from a portable tank when finished. Participants can also help with documentation of the project through photos, video and data collection. We will be recording the labor required to build various types of piles, time to complete the burns and the volume of biochar produced. We will begin each day at 8:00 am with a classroom session to review background material on the techniques and discuss the previous day’s results. We will start work in the field by 10 am and go until 4 pm each day. Site and Logistics The Enchanted Forest hosts several youth camps each year and has group meeting facilities. The oak savannah restoration site is fairly level and accessible by road. Breakfast will be provided at the morning classroom sessions and hot beverages will be available at the work site. Participants should bring their own lunch and snacks. Dry camping sites for RVs and campers are available for those coming from out of town. The weather may be rainy, but with 3 days set aside for the camp, we hope that there will be enough windows of opportunity to do the work that is needed to demonstrate several burn pile techniques. If a storm of “Biblical” proportions arrives that weekend, we will postpone the Biochar Burn School to the following weekend, November 22-24. We will be happy to send you a detailed map with directions on how to get here once we have received your registration. -- Ms.Kelpie Wilson Wilson Biochar Associates Email: kelpiew@gmail Home Office: 541-592-3083 Mobile: 541-218-9890 Google Voice: 646-535-7439 (646-kelpiew) Skype: kelpie.wilson
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:19:28 +0000

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