The Tacoma City Council is aghast at the fact that there 56 - TopicsExpress


The Tacoma City Council is aghast at the fact that there 56 medical cannabis dispensaries operating in their fair city! If there were 56 coffee stands, or 56 liquor stores, or 56 banks, 56 bars catering to gay and lesbian clientele, or even 56 grave digging companies, operating in the City of Tacoma....would the Tacoma City Council be resorting to these drastic measure to close them all down….just because they thought there was simply too much commerce, and too many successful businesses of the same type in the City of Tacoma? And wouldnt you think it would be enough that these businesses were licensed by the city, or were paying B&O taxes, or employing people who might otherwise be unemployable? Do they need to also have some unavailable state liquor control board licenses as well for them to keep their doors open, and keep providing tax money, and jobs, for the city? a sane world, this obviously wouldnt be happening. Whether you personally think these 56 business owners are heros to the medical cannabis community, or whether you that they are as unscrupulous as the worst used car dealers or aluminum siding salesmen, this should not have caused such an outpouring of venom by the Mayor of Tacoma and many of the Tacoma City Council members. Would the city claim that its just not fair if there are to many mini-marts, with city business licenses, operating within the City of Tacoma? Would they claim that its not fair to big grocery chains that have obviously invested heavily in building large expensive stores? Is the City Council now claiming that they, and they only, are entitled to pick who gets to participate in the American Dream of running a business? Only they get to pick the winners and losers? Isnt it strange that the Tacoma City Council would never, in a sane world, claim to have this kind of power to decide which of these businesses should live or die, except for the fact that these particular businesses, that they personally object to are providing life saving medicine to cancer patients? But that was the real conversation last night. The City Council will decide whether or not every one of these businesses should receive 90 day Cease and Desist orders from the City....and be closed down. Has any industry, or any other group of businesses, ever been targeted like this by the Tacoma City Council? Yet I sat there last night and watched patient after patient BEG this city council not to deprive them of the safe and affordable access that they currently have to the medication they need, and I witnessed the Reefer Madness mentality, and the total lack of compassion that was the order of the day in the City of Tacoma last night. For you City Council members....PLEASE dont sit there in room packed with seriously ill patients, begging for your compassion, and tell them that you have to deny them safe and affordable access to their medication so that the 502 recreational store owners can achieve the financial success that they believe they are somehow entitled. You will really cause more anger than youre prepared to deal with. You will have only proven the point that you are not only cruel and heartless, but that you feel that its your job to pick which businesses, especially those with thick wallets, are the winners in the City of Tacoma. Please do everyone a favor and publicly post your list of new businesses, or types of businesses, that you might suddenly choose to impose a blanket ban a year or two from now. Im sure that would greatly help any of us who might even consider investing our hard earned savings in any type of new business enterprise in your fair city. And if you truly aghast at the number dispensaries in your city, please stop and consider how many new black market drug dealers your city will now be empowering to replace these 56 businesses, because I can assure you that there wont be one single medical cannabis patient that will ever set foot inside one of these recreational stores to purchase their medicine, even if they could afford to. Right now Im sure the black market is applauding your efforts to dramatically increase their market share. Steve Sarich Cannabis Action Coalition
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:46:13 +0000

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