The Taming of the Political - TopicsExpress


The Taming of the Political Class -------------------------------- Since I started writing about AAP, Modi etc I get asked (by the very few people who ever read my posts) two things: 1. We cannot vote for AAP in the next election; why not vote for Modi? 2. AAP itself may have a variety of issues etc. Why do you support them? Both these questions stand on the perspective that next elections (or the one after that) are important and have high stakes; and the idea that individual political parties or personalities are important. I come from a wholly different perspective. Let me explain it below: The long term trend in India is not a fight between ideologies or political parties that want to take us in different directions. The trend for the past 40 years has been a growing powerlessness of the ordinary people, even when they have the "vote"; and an unaccountable political class. In my view, we first have to fix this problem. I do not hate the Congress or the BJP. I do not want them to go away. Instead I want them to be filled with people who listen to their constituents and obey them. I want them to behave as public servants. Once this goal is accomplished, all the other problems will go away over time, including corruption, or low growth. In order to accomplish this Taming of the Political Class, I see a path; and the AAP seems to see that as the path also. It is as simple as that. If the AAP acts strange tomorrow, I will seek other people who see the same path. The path towards the taming tactically has the following approaches: 1. Push and agitate for laws OUTSIDE and INSIDE Parliament that empower citizens and gives them tools to question local bureaucrats and politicians. 2. Consider any man with power in the current setup as automatically suspect. Assume you have to push him to do his job. Have no loyalty to politicians. Be skeptical of their statements. 3. Apply electoral pressure by pushing for transparency in funding of political parties 4. Monitor parties and government aggressively. As you can see, the "vote" is only one of the tools in this long-term fight. If you do not find a suitable candidate, do not vote. Your participation in civil society is more important than voting. I consider the AAP one tool in this fight. It is one more tactic. That is all.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 03:12:14 +0000

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