The Tasmanian Tiger Eboni Vienna-Hallam is the first of what - TopicsExpress


The Tasmanian Tiger Eboni Vienna-Hallam is the first of what will be a long list of overseas imports for the The Believers. Eboni is a feisty defender whose never give it up attitude is her greatest asset. We sat down with Eboni fresh from her crossing of the Bass Strait Eboni for an exclusive interview. Thanks for sitting down with us today Eboni; first of all welcome to the club. -‘Thanks, I feel honoured to be in a club with such a rich history.’ Why did you make the move across the bass and has it been hard settling in? -‘There were so many scandals happening in my old team. Everyone was more interested with drinking and trying to land the coach then playing the beautiful game. I just couldn’t have all that negativity in my life. When I got a call about possibly getting a spot in the highly acclaimed Believes team, well I just couldn’t turn something like that down. As for settling in, I will admit, with a team like The Believers supporting me, how could I not be anything but happy? What do you bring to this already strong believers team? -‘I live and breathe futsal 24/7, thus my dedication is like no other and my skill is something you can only see to believe. With this strong group of players beside me, The Believers will be unstoppable.’ Why did you join the believers? -‘Getting told that The Believers were interested in me had to be the best day of my life. The Believers are a team that inspire people and I wanted to be a part of that.’ Where do you predict the believers will finish this season? -‘There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that The Believers will have an amazing season and finish top of the ladder. I admit, we will have some tough competition, but we will push through to finish first #IBelieve’ Are there any particular teammates you’re really looking forward to playing with? -‘All of my teammates are incredibly talented and I have to say I’m looking forward to playing with every single one of them, although I admit I have a small crush on the captain Sam Kobal.’ What do you need to work on to improve? -‘I’m a defender through and through, so to improve on my scoring ability this season will defiantly be my goal.’ Eboni do you believe? -‘I don’t think anyone could believe more than me. With this transfer the believer defence will be impenetrable!’ #keepbelieving
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 12:01:12 +0000

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