The Teacher who invented the idea of sending kids to go into the - TopicsExpress


The Teacher who invented the idea of sending kids to go into the streets and cause rampage whenever they the Teachers have issues with the Government got it all wrong and the idea is of pure evil. Yesterday my neighbors 5 year old girl got a deep cut on top of her left ear after she got stoned by her fellow student from Chimwankhunda Primary School, in their so called show off anger. The Chimwankhunda students invaded Zingwangwa Primary School and start throwing stones at their friends who were peacefully learning in classrooms,,, Reason being: No one should be learning when they are not, since their teachers have put down their tools in protest of late salaries. And after these kids successfully manage to disrupt studies at Zingwangwa Primary school, the students from both these two schools, gang up and went to ST Pius Primary where studies were progressing normally to throw more stones and cause more disruptions. It was a sad picture seeing little kids in tears running for their dear lives, only the older student seem to enjoy these moments. This case remind me of the similar incident that took place two years ago when primary school kids went into the streets and cause rampage, demonstrating that they are being denied of their Human Right to Education through the teachers strike.... At the end of the day, a lot of property was vandalized and we had cases of of kids who got hurt during these demos. In these two instances, it is easy to see that someone big and not in school uniform has carefully organize these so called Demos I sympathies with the teachers, their grievances are genuine and i strongly believe teachers should be more appreciated considering the tough and noble job they do in educating the nation. What am against is their tactic, they are putting the lives of innocent young kids in danger. These activities can be so traumatic to these children, they can have a permanent psychological impact on them and robbing away their innocence. Imagine that young girl who got a deep painful cut on her head for something her little brain cannot fully understand. This will encourage kids to shun school, something which they already see as an evil plan invented by their parents to keep them away from their sweet homes. Teachers should have been the first ones to teach these young children the importance of good communication, dialogue and conflict resolution... They are responsible in shaping these young children into productive, proactive and responsible citizen for advancement of their lives and a better Malawi. These teachers should not one day wake up and be surprised to see angry students who were denied more break time or that their daily free Mary Meal polidge has not been prepared well go on rampage by setting their schools on fire as their show of disappointment. They the teachers have planted these bad seeds! Teachers Union should man up and do its Job of representing the grievances of the teachers before things go out of hand and so is the Government needs to do its part and pay these teachers in time, its hard enough already to be living under small wages teachers get. We are allowing thieves who stole billions of our hard earned tax monies walking gracefully as Kings and Queens of the land while the common man suffers. And when the government want to raise its funds, its not by nabbing these thieves and collect what they stole,,, its still the poor ones who are paying through price hikes. #Malawi Should Wake Up!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 11:38:25 +0000

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