The Teachers versus the Govt. Why cant our provincial government - TopicsExpress


The Teachers versus the Govt. Why cant our provincial government do the right thing and meet the teachers somewhere in the middle. The government is saving a load of money not having to pay the teachers salary, but who is getting shafted? The answer is everybody in the province, but mostly the students who are caught right in the middle. If mediator Vince Ready walked away from negotiations then things are very critical.It reminds me of the entire government shutdown by the Republican congress against Obama and who won there? We the electorate should be a lot angrier than we are. Christy Clark and her Liberal majority are doing a lousy job because they dont really represent our interests. They have their own agenda always and they are doing a terrible job. The whole lot should have their employment terminated immediately. Unfortunately, there arent enough people sitting against the Liberals to force a non confidence vote, so we all have to suffer for their mismanagement of the education system. BC employers are hiring foreign workers to do jobs that Canadians should be doing. The education of our young is important because it is they that will run our province someday. Trades and technical schools are underfunded and universities have become highly overpriced making a higher education something only students from wealthy families can afford. Public education is being bypassed for private educational institutions who have higher scholastic standards than our failing public schools. The average university student who takes out a student loan will have a bill upwards of 40,000 dollars hanging over their heads on completion of their degrees and their are no guarantees that they will even be able to attain work in their chosen fields of study. Greater emphasis needs to made for skilled tradesmen and the emphasis for a university degree be secondary. We are already seeing vast shortages of skilled workers as the large Baby Boomer population begins to retire. Our governments think that we are stupid because people are unable to articulate what they are thinking. Our elected representatives arent working for us. When Madame Christy talks about British Columbians I always feel shes talking about someone else. I dont feel like the government has our interests in mind. As a corporation they stink. We are not getting good value for our hard earned tax dollars. Its high time that we start writing our representatives voicing our displeasure for their lackluster performance and remind them who they are really representing. Both the Premier and the minister of education should step down and a new election be called. Unfortunately, our system of many parties isnt working. Like the teachers and the government political parties are too polarized. Instead of working together they are working against each other resulting in the kind of mess we now find ourselves in. When will we stop voting these self serving bozos in. Quite obviously our whole political system needs a giant overhaul and if we the people ever want a brighter future we need to completely change the system and start as soon as possible. If everyone decided to withhold their taxes I think they would be forced to do something more constructive pronto.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 08:50:25 +0000

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