The Ten Chaotic Neutral Commandments A list of Ten Commandments - TopicsExpress


The Ten Chaotic Neutral Commandments A list of Ten Commandments for a chaotic neutral religion may look like this: 1. You shall lie to promote your freedom. 2. You shall not kill the innocent. 3. You shall not murder. 4. You shall help the needy if such action promotes your freedom. 5. You shall honor no authority above yourself. 6. You shall break the law whenever convenient. 7. You shall not betray others unless your life is in jeopardy. 8. You shall not aid enemies of freedom or those who promote law. 9. You shall pursue pleasure. 10. You shall promote unlimited freedom for yourself. Ten Chaotic Neutral Sins Likewise, a chaotic neutral religion may list the following as sins. This list is given in the order of least severe infraction to most severe. 1. Showing respect for self-discipline, authority, or institutions unless trickery is involved. 2. Failing to pursue pleasure. 3. Placing fear of the law or duty above personal desire. 4. Keeping your word to a peer when breaking your word would keep you out of danger or provide amusement. 5. Refusing to exert power over others or actively sow dissension when appropriate. 6. Following a law when opportunity for mischief, personal gain, or excitement presents itself. 7. Turning down a chance to trick, cheat, or lie to a being for personal gain or amusement. 8. Actively joining or maintaining an existing government, power structure, or other institution for reasons other than trickery, destruction, or mayhem. 9. Actively hindering change. 10. Actively inducing boredom. Aiding the forces of Law and Order.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 16:33:43 +0000

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