The Third Glorious Mystery THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT - TopicsExpress


The Third Glorious Mystery THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The apostles are gathered in the upper room where Jesus had held the Last Supper. They are persevering in prayer with Mary the Mother of Jesus. A sound comes from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it fills the whole house. The Holy Spirit descends on each of them in the form of tongues of fire. Filled with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, they are enlightened and strengthened to spread the gospel. Having lost all fear of the Jewish leaders, the apostles boldly preach Christ crucified. The multitudes are confounded because every man hears them speak in his own tongue. The Holy Spirit comes upon the Infant Church never to leave it. That first day Peter goes forth to preach and baptizes three thousand. The feast of Pentecost is the birthday of the Church, for on that day it begins to grow. Spiritual Fruit: Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 08:35:51 +0000

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