The Third Pull. You know, Im so thankful for a God-given wife. - TopicsExpress


The Third Pull. You know, Im so thankful for a God-given wife. Arent you, brethren? A real wife, a real companion... I set down. I motioned to her, and got her over close to me. And I said, Meda, sometimes I wonder. I said, I wonder whats the matter. I said, Why would them meetings be there, and God let me lay like this? I said, Why was it? And I said, Sometimes I wonder if He even called me. She said, Aint you ashamed of yourself? And she told me, said, Bill, dont you know that God knows what Hes doing with you? Just--just be quiet. 148 And so I went in. That kinda rebuked me a little, you know. And so I went in and laid down on the bed, She come in to change the sheets. And shed got the--the things on her arm, and when she started out, I looked, and there was a... I seen an old--a great big armory building, that the sun had shined down and bursted out on the ground, blowed it to pieces, the sun shining down from heaven. And there come three women and a man come up, and they had out like little bitty, like little... some kind of little shooting guns like. And he said, That drives nails. And said, Well... You hold these pieces up, Brother Branham, and well build this armory back up for you. And I said, All right, Ill do that. But Something said, Dont do it. Well, I reached down to get a piece, like this, to build it up like this. And just then a voice spoke to me, and said, Now, theyre on the road to get you to go back. Dont you believe it. Said, Theyre ever so sincere, and theyre coming to you with THUS SAITH THE LORD, but theyre wrong. See? 151 Fred Sothmann, many of them here, was right there when I told them about it. In less than an hour the people drove right up to my door. I said, Theres three women and a man. Thats exactly right. They come with THUS SAITH THE LORD? Yes, sir. They--I said, Of course, you know what to tell them. Sincerely wrong. See? Fine people, but sincerely wrong. See? Then I thought, Well, what can I do? What must I do? And then Meda come in, and shed gone on back. And Brother Freddie went and told the people. And then after while, I was in there on the--o--on the bed, and I thought, Why does it happen that way? Why cant I speak? Why cant I talk to somebody or something? I was laying in there. And Meda come in, and was going back out of the room. 154 And I looked, and I seen something make a flicker over to one side. And I looked, and there was my wall opened up, and I seen Jesus. How many of you ever heard me say that I seen Jesus twice in my life in a vision? And I believed I would see Him again before the end time (See?), see Him again. Now, I looked, and the skies was right out there, just looked like I looked through the wall. And there was the Bible standing right like this, great big Bible standing in the skies. Well, theres something got light around the Bible, and out of the Bible come a real pretty golden cross. And it stood out like this, and the lights coming from all around it, and out of that cross He walked. The Bible reflected the cross; the cross reflected Him. And He come walking out, and walked right down to where I was at. I can see it just as plain; I can see the--that cross reflecting His hair standing there, hung down over His face. 155 He looked down at me like that, and He said to me, You are waiting for your new ministry to be confirmed to you. He said, Ive already confirmed it to you. Its already confirmed. Youve got to accept it. See? And I stood and listened to Him just a minute. It come into my mind; I didnt hear that; it just come into my mind. Like a man, that hes been a sinner all of his life, and he knows theres a Bible, knows there is a God, but all at once he hears a sermon, then Something tells him, its you. Then that same Words been there all the time, yet its confirmed to him, then he says, Lord, forgive me. But it wont do no good until he accepts his salvation, then he goes out and is a Christian. No matter how much he cries, how much he begs, hes got to accept it. And the--the... He said to me then, Youve got to accept it the same way. Youve got to believe it. 158 Im afraid of defeat. Anything, Im afraid Ill bring a reproach. Im always afraid of it, watching, think Ill call the wrong thing. Cause, Ive took warning of the Bible, how that Moses was given great power, and he smote the rock instead of speaking to it. I remember of Elijah, because he went baldheaded, them little children teasing him about being baldheaded; he put a curse on those children, and forty-two of them was killed by bears. See? Now, that wasnt the Holy Spirit, but it was that prophet angered. And I--Ive went through all the things, coming to that. And there He stood, talking to me. And He said, But you walk with too many. He said, To walk with Me, youll walk alone. 160 Id seen that. Id been catering too much to denominations and everything (You see?), somebody trying to tell you what to do and what not to do. You got to follow Him. Now, remember the vision that He give me about the fishes, you know, and how that you couldnt teach supernatural signs to Pentecostal babies. You remember. There it was. And Im right at the brim of this new message. No more than the vision left me, I said, Amen, Lord. And my wife was standing there, almost fainted. And I jumped up out of the bed; I could talk as good as I ever did. Just in a second, every bit of the fever left me. I called up Doc Schoen, I said, Id like for you to look at me. He said, What? And I come over there, and he looked at me, looked through those sinuses, said, Tell me what happened, Brother Branham. And I said, Youd believe my story? He said, How could I doubt it? Its happened. Thats it. See? Thats it, friend. God knows how to hold you on an ash heap. He knows how to do something for you until He can get the message over to you (See?) to get to do something. 165 Today, I dont know how much defeat. I went in not long ago, was listening to a radio broadcast. And there was a minister preaching on the resurrection, from I Corinthians 15. And he was preaching the resurrection. And he stopped right in the middle of his sermon, and he said, You know, so many people are afraid of defeat. He said, When General Patton lost a bunch of soldiers, said, then they told him... He sent back and he wanted some more, and they sent him up some more. He got them killed, and he sent for some more. And when he got them third bunch up there, said, every time a bullet would whine, theyd run under a tin, or run under something another, scared. 166 He said, Send me up men, not kids. He said, I want men thats ready to die. I dont want somebody thats afraid to die. If the cause were fighting for is not worthy to die for, then keep them away from me. I want men. They said, But youve lost two or three battles. He said, I havent lost the war. Ive just lost a battle. Something spoke in my heart. I remember Eisenhower said, When I throwed a bullet, commanded and they throwed a shell in the gun, they pulled it off and it was a fizzle; it didnt work, said, I didnt quit and surrender. I throwed the bullet out and put another one in, tried it. If it didnt work, I put another one in, until one did work. 169 Thats the way its got to be done. I dont know how it will be. But God is my Judge over this pulpit; I dont know how many fizzles and how many--how many battles Ill lose, but Ill not lose the war. He told me Hed be with me. Ill stand till I see that ministry confirmed and see it in operation. I begin this morning by the grace of God. I dont know whether itll work here, whether itll work somewhere else, how itll work, or whatll take place. But Ill walk right down prayer lines, praying for the sick, until I do know whats happening. I seen it happen two or three times. I seen it happen in Hatties house. How many ever heard the story about the squirrels, and about the girl, the little woman? The first person in all since weve knowed, since the days of the disciples, was ever given the privilege to say, Ask what you will, when youre there. Did you ever hear the story? Did you ever see the woman? How many never seen her, and want--would like to see the woman it happened on? We... Hattie, would you stand up? Theres the lady. 171 Standing in her house. After Id seen eight squirrels, that wasnt absolutely none around anywhere, and just speak the word, and there they would be standing there. Thats true. Thats... There they were. And I said, What made them squirrels come? there setting there at her table. And her mother, Sister Wright, here is Brother Wright, was setting there. How many was at the table, how many is here this morning? Raise up your hands. Well, there they are, all around over the building. See? All right, they were there. I said, Someday... Their little crippled sister setting there... I said, It has to come by vision, so forth, but someday itll come different. Was talking like that, all at once, something anointed that. Leave it to this people... I never felt such an anointing. Why? Because Hattie said the right thing. 173 I said, Where did them squirrels come from? There was none there, not even a place for them, just like on a telephone pole right there. And I seen it happen eight straight times. And I said, I dont know where it come from. I said, Only thing I know, that God tried to confirm a message to Abraham one time, and he spoke a ram into existence, because he needed a ram to confirm it. It mustve been that I needed a squirrel: to speak mine. And He did it eight straight times, or seven straight times, rather, seven straight times. And I said... And, Hattie, maybe not knowing what the woman was saying. Look how it bypassed the rich and the haughty. Look how it bypassed everything, and come to a poor little old country woman there. 175 And I had twenty dollars in my pocket to give back to the woman, that she had pledged fifty dollars on this new church coming up. And I dont say this to embarrass her; she couldnt afford fifty cents, really, to give it. But her heart in the message, she wanted to. Brother Neville, I believe had accepted it, wouldnt take the rest of it, just let her give twenty dollars of it. And I had two ten-dollar bills in my pocket, Meda give me for groceries; I said, Im going to give it back to her today. Then I thought, Something spoke to me, said, Jesus seen that widow putting in her three pennies, and He never took it back from her. He let her go on because He had something greater down the road. 177 Little did I know He was speaking to me the same way of a widow woman, no husband. Her husband was killed. Neither did I know that was the same One, when I said, Then Ill just keep the twenty dollars; You have something else for her. I said, The only thing I know, that Jehovah is still Jehovah- Jireh. Hes able to provide a sacrifice. And Hattie, not knowing what she was saying, raised up and said, Thats nothing but the truth, Brother Branham. Oh, my. That was the right thing to say. That was the right thing to say. About that time, the power of God struck that place; I never felt such anointing. When it did, I said, Hattie, THUS SAITH THE LORD; ask what you will. I dont care what it is; God has give me the authority to give you your hearts desire right now. If you ask for a million dollars, you can have it. Ask for that little crippled girl to get up and walk, she can have it. Ask for anything. I... She said, What shall I ask, Brother Branham? I said, Anything that you wish, for THUS SAITH THE LORD. Oh, what a feeling. 182 She looked around. There set her aged gray-headed daddy that had been brought back from the dead almost. There set her aged mother, sickly. There set her little, crippled sister. But she chose just what was right. She had two teen-age boys just in that age of reckless. Her precious husband gone on to glory; she was a Christian, waiting. But the boys wasnt a Christian. She said, The souls of my two boys. God bless her heart. I said, THUS SAITH THE LORD, you have them. And here they are, baptized into the faith. They was telling me the other night. Even that little bitty boy washing feet in there, putting his hands over on Brother Nevilles head, and praying for him when he was washing feet. The two little boys are probably setting here in the meeting somewhere this morning. Are they, Hattie, are they here with you? [Sister Hattie says, Theyre in the back there.--Ed.] In back, in the back, Where are you, boys? Raise up your hands. Where is the two boys? There they are, standing back in the back. God bless you. All right. There you are. Now, what happened? That same thing, no matter what, shed a- happened; what shed have asked, she couldve had it. She couldve got it. 188 Now, Im wanting to see that happen. Its going to be the attitude of the people towards the message. See how she said it? She said just the right thing. Its what you say that does it. What you say... Look at the Syrophenician woman when she come to Jesus. She said, Lord, my daughter is grievously ve--vexed with a devil. Thou Son of David, come heal her. He said, Its not meet for Me to take the childrens bread and give it to you dogs. Whew. What if Hed have said that to some of us? Wed say, Call me a dog? Huh, wasnt nothing to him anyhow. The big church is right. He aint nothing but a holy- roller. Hes nothing but a Beelzebub. Wed have had that attitude, but not her. She said, Its true, Lord. Youre exactly right. But the dogs are willing to eat the scraps under the childrens table. That got Him. He said, For this saying, the devil left your daughter. For this saying... 194 Its your attitude, friends. Did not He say it? Youve got to believe it, friends. You... Dont believe me, Im a man; but you believe what Im telling you; believe the message. If you dont believe the messenger, believe the message. If a man walked in the room there with a telegram, no matter who the--what the man looked like or who he was, big or little, you believe whats on the telegram, not the man. God sent me to tell you. I have a message. God sent me to tell you that Hes risen from the dead, that Hes here this morning. Hes proved it by signs and wonders, that Hes here, and each one of you can be healed of your sickness if youll just take the right attitude as you come. Will you do that, while we sing Only Believe. Now, let those who are going to be prayed for, come right up here and line right up around here. Now, dont come unless you believe with all your heart. Precious Lord, this is the hour. I pray that Youll heal these people, Lord. And sanctify this oil. Get glory unto Thyself, Father. We send these in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Go tell 1960.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 19:59:35 +0000

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