~The Third Temple will NOT be built in Israel; The Third Temple - TopicsExpress


~The Third Temple will NOT be built in Israel; The Third Temple resides within YOU! ~ Many Christians that follow Bible prophecy is looking and waiting on a third temple to be built in Israel as the last peace to the Most High’s puzzle before the beginning of Tribulation and I’m sorry but you will be waiting a little longer because it’s NOT happening ANY time soon if ever. Yes’ I understand in the book of Daniel and other scriptures it speaks of a temple being built by the Hebrew people and Abomination of Desolation happening in the temple and the anti-Christ standing in this temple and proclaiming that he is God and this has already happened a year ago by Obama at the ONE World Trade Center when He put the crown on it and signed it leaving His mark 666 on a beam at the top and many of you missed it and because many you DON’T have the Spiritual third Eye of the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) living within you and given to you ONLY by the Heavenly Father, you missed it and I can PROVE It with FACTS and the document Obama signed! One of the things Ive discovered after accepting my original Hebrew heritage by living a Set Apart life as a living example in Spirit daily and knowing that He is In ME and ME in Him and constant studying and praying while seeking His face is that you MUST have that third eye which allows the Ruach Hakodesh to speak to you and through you to hear His message and this is so real. This is so real what Im saying to you and I need for all of you to please listen to me because this is very deep and you must understand where I’m coming from in spirit to get my point. When Satan killed (AhYahshua) which is who many of you call Jesus who died on that stake; it released a very, very powerful Spirit in this world called the Ruach Hakodesh which could ONLY be released by Him by dying and shedding blood for all of our sins and its the ONLY reason why we can receive it today. The BIGGEST secret in the world ever held was by the Heavenly Father for many years from Satan because if Satan had of known that by killing AhYahshua, (Jesus a many of you call Him) on the stake that day would allow the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) to live in YOU and I today, Satan would have NEVER killed AhYahshua because he would have rather fought against ONE man on earth than to fight against you and I today collective because the Set Apart Spirit now lives in YOU and Me if we ONLY accept Him as our Savior and Walk daily in His Spirit which makes us ONE and many of you DO NOT do that and that’s so sad, what a waste of your life. The Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) is speaking to many of you every day because the Most High Hid the Torah Bible in our hearts and when many of you hear the Heavenly Fathers Actual Name in your ear, it then begins to speak to your heart and ultimately to your spirit and many of you are thinking about it very deeply because your spirit is connecting to what I’m saying to you even if you are not sure of what I’m saying exactly and I know it because that’s the POWER of the Ruach Hakodesh (Set Apart Spirit) that He has poured all over this world for this DAY. The Temple the scriptures is speaking about in Daniel is the Temple that lives within you and I and that’s (the Father, the Son and the Ruach Hakodesh) Set Apart Spirit and many of you Christians are waiting for a physical building to be built and it’s NOT happening NO time soon because you are the TEMPLE, LIVE and IN LIVING COLOR if you ONLY ACCEPT HIM! Many of you will say Ranford wait a minute, the scripture says the temple will be in Jerusalem with the Jews and the One World Trade Center is NOT Jerusalem, its New York City and it’s the second largest population of the Jews not the largest so what about that? That’s all true but here’s the problem, the people that call themselves Jews are NOT the people written about in the Scripture because the actual Name of those people in the Bible are called Yahudim or Yahudi and I can prove it and the scriptures tell you itself in the Bible (Rev 3:8 and 9 ) that they Say they are Jews but are NOT, but lie and are the Synagogue of Satan, thats ALL scripture. Also Jerusalem is where ever the TRUE children of Yisra’el are and the definition of Jerusalem is (Place of Peace) which could not be Jerusalem in Israel because there is NO peace there now are has NOT been in a long time because the Palestinians are constantly fighting for their land back daily and firing rockets at them. What Christians and people that call themselves believers MUST understand is that the Heavenly Father is building His temple inside of each one of us and that’s why He told us in scripture that this is going to be a SPIRITUAL WAR not necessarily a physical one and that’s also why He tells us that we fight NOT against Flesh and Blood but against principalities and wickedness and people in high places that has mingled with the fallen angels and that we all will see soon and they will soon walk amongst us again and many of them already are. The Nephilim are Fallen Angels that where here on earth and walked amongst us daily and was very, very wicked people because they mixed their DNA with ours trying to prevent the Heavenly Father from sending His Son (AhYahshua) back to us on earth through His Set Apart Spirit without the DNA being corrupt, that’s the desolation and abomination the scripture is speaking of because they are currently doing it again as I speak in many, many ways and these Fallen Angels are coming back as in the days of Noah and we are about to meet them again very soon I promise you so get prepared. Read Genesis 6:4 and Hebrew 11:13 for scriptural proof that they were here on earth and are coming back. The Heavenly Father is going to build His set apart temple again on earth but it will NOT be a physical building with stone and bricks because that would be torn down very soon because of what’s coming soon on the earth, the temple the Heavenly Father was referring to is in you and it’s the Father, The Son and the Set Apart Spirit that MUST be built inside of you in order for you to be SAVED and for you to receive Salvation and many of you DONT GET THIS! and this is the lack of Knowledge the Scripture warned us all about as well as NOT knowing and calling on His Actual NAME. It’s is the spirit that you MUST live by daily because when it’s in YOU and YOU are in Him than it becomes a third eye that allows you to see and feel things through spirit that guides you and others to the promise land here on earth because the Temple LIVES in YOU. It’s that THIRD EYE that teaches me daily and gives me through spirit what it is that He wants me to say to you but you MUST be connected in SPIRIT to Receive it and that connection is His ONLY Son AhYahshua because with that Name you and I are ONE in HIM! YHWH the Great (Ahyah) which means (I AM) is the creator of this world and His ONLY Sons Name is AhYahshua which means, I AM Salvation because His Name tells you who He is on EARTH and in HEAVEN. Do you have the Third Eye in YOU? Because the third eye lives within YOU and allows you to SEE ME in SPIRIT! Shalom=Peace!
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:57:58 +0000

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