The Thorntown Town Council met October 20, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in - TopicsExpress


The Thorntown Town Council met October 20, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in the town hall with all Council members present. Also present was Marshal Russ Voils, Town Attorney Dennis Williams, Tracey Vaughn Clerk Treasurer and twenty-one citizens. The meeting was called to order by Council President Larry Truitt. A copy of the Cash Reconcilement was submitted by the town clerk. Each Council member was given a copy of the minutes of the previous meeting. Mike Hight makes a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, seconded by Gary Jones. Vote: unanimous. Larry Truitt states Boone County Sheriff Mike Nielsen and Lieutenant Deb Martin are here to speak about the A.L.I.C.E. program. They give a handout and explain the program and how it works in all of the Western Boone and Lebanon Schools. They state cameras are placed in the schools and are linked to local law enforcement to view if an intruder is in the building. The rally point is the Thorntown Public Library. Sheriff Nielsen and Lieutenant Martin state they want to set up community meetings to get everyone involved. Marshal Russ Voils passes out the police report. Marshal Voils goes over the number of calls, incident reports, traffic stops, etc. Gary Jones makes a motion to accept the police report, seconded by Mike Hight. Vote: unanimous. Larry Truitt states this will be the seconded reading of the proposed 2015 Town Budget. Mike Hight reads the notice to taxpayers aloud. Larry Truitt states we now need to read Ordinance 2014-5 to adopt the 2015 Town Budget. Gary Jones reads Ordinance 2014-5 An Ordinance/Resolution for Appropriations and Tax Rate aloud. Don Johnson makes a motion to accept the 2015 Town Budget and Ordinance 2014-5 as read, seconded by Mike Hight. Vote: unanimous. Larry Truitt states at the last meeting all of the Council members were given a copy of a citizen complaint policy. Council members discuss how to implement the policy and Larry states to put the policy on the web. Larry states there are two different complaints in the policy – one is a citizen complaint about tall grass, trash, etc. The second form is a complaint against a police officer. Larry Truitt states the Town Marshal has the authority to dismiss a reserve police officer. Larry states we need to adopt this as a policy on complaints. Mike Hight makes a motion to accept the citizen complaint policy, seconded by Gary Jones. Vote: unanimous. Gary Jones asks how to track the complaints. Larry Truitt states it can be part of the monthly police report or forms can be turned in at a Town Council meeting. Don Johnson asks about a time limit and Larry states it is covered in the policy. Larry Truitt states major concerns about golf carts have been brought to our attention. Larry states in 2009 a golf cart ordinance was done but it does not comply with Indiana state law. Larry states right now it is illegal to operate on town streets and in order to comply we have to have an ordinance. Gary Jones reads Ordinance 2014-6 An Ordinance to Permit and Regulate the Use of Golf Carts on Town Streets of Thorntown, Indiana aloud. Council members discuss the ordinance and citizens ask questions. Don Johnson makes a motion to accept Ordinance 2014-6 as read, seconded by Mike Hight. Vote: unanimous. Sandy Gates states a town domain has been set up to help with security measures through the town court. Sandy states any town employees can have emails set up through the domain. The town clerk states Angie Moody stated to her that trick-or-treat hours will be on October 31, 2014 from 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. with parade line up at 5:30 P.M. at the town park. Frank Small of the Zoning Board states Kevin Michaud was to be approved as building inspector tonight but he is not present. Frank states he has concerns with two different storage sheds in town not complying with town setbacks. Frank states he wants to notify citizens somehow that we do have a Zoning Board and when meetings are. Larry Truitt asks for Frank Smalls’ recommendation for building inspector and Frank states Kevin Michaud. Larry states he spoke with Kevin and a criminal background check will be done on him. Larry states to table the matter until the background check is complete. Frank Small states Habitat for Humanity wants to purchase the land off of Grant Street but sidewalks would need to be put in first. Town Council members state to wait and see if the land is purchased first. Park Board members pass out minutes of their last meeting. Street Superintendent Gary Moody states the school hours signs on Vine Street were changed last month. Citizens state they would like a portion of Grant Street closed during pick up and drop off hours for school so buses can drive on it without issues of parked cars. Larry Truitt states he will speak to Principal Taylor about concerns with children walking and parked cars. Jeff Woodard makes a motion to accept the Park Board minutes, seconded by Gary Jones. Vote: unanimous. Citizen Mark Garing asks about a burn policy in town. Larry Truitt states it is from 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. but states not to burn trash. Larry states he knows of a couple of incidents where the Fire Chief told people who were burning things to put the fire out. Larry states if you have a concern with burning to call the Police Department to report it. The town clerk states she has a claim that needs to be paid to Clemens Contracting for widening part of Grant Street but it was not approved at a public meeting and was not part of the original quote. Council members discuss the matter and Mike Hight makes a motion to approve paying the $4,122.00 to Clemens Contracting by the simplest means, seconded by Don Johnson. Vote: unanimous. Citizen Yvonne McCall states she has a concern and passes out a written statement to each Council member. Council members state they will look at her concern. Don Johnson states he wants to suggest making a change of staggering the terms for re-election of the Town Council members. Attorney Dennis Williams states he will check on the matter. Reserve Police Officer Aaron Melvin asks to do a fundraiser for the police department by having a street dance on Halloween night and closing a small portion of Market Street. Council members express their opinions on the matter but state it is fine to have the street dance. Council members read the Stalcop report and state all is within limits. Claims were reviewed and signed. As there was no further business to discuss Gary Jones makes a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jeff Woodard. Vote: unanimous. The next regular Town Council meeting was scheduled for November 17, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. in the town hall. ________________________________ ______________________________ Attest: Tracey Vaughn, Clerk Treasurer Larry Truitt, President
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 02:54:31 +0000

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