The Three Worst Things The Liberals Did Yesterday (156) by Bob - TopicsExpress


The Three Worst Things The Liberals Did Yesterday (156) by Bob Ellis Lying, Martin O’Shannessy published a Newspoll showing Barnett and Labor 50-50 in Western Australia. It omitted PUP altogether, redistributed Green preferences as they were in 2013 when some were still trickling over to the Liberals and rang, in the summer months, only those Menzies-voting octogenarians still indoors on landlines and no-one under forty. It nonetheless showed McGowan preferred as Premier and more people satisfied with his performance, that is, 48 percent, than Barnett, on 37. Andrew Burrell, a Liberal voter, attributed this to Troy Buswell’s ‘drunken rampage in his ministerial car through the streets of inner-city Subiaco, and an ensuing controversy over an alleged cover-up’, and the Finance Minister Dean Nalder’s corrupt admixture of ‘his private business interests with his ministerial duties’. The 50-50 result had been the same, O’Shannessy eccentrically alleged, since April, and has not altered even when WA lost its triple-A rating. It was a poll, an expert said, ‘magnificent in its defiance of the actual figures’. John Howard ‘rebuked’ Obama for speaking up in favour of the Barrier Reef, which was ‘none of his business’, the old fool proclaimed, and ‘relied on misinformation’. This was a kinder assessment than when, in 2007, he had said ‘al Qaeda will be cheering on their candidate, Obama’ and openly preferred as President the moose-shooting drongo Sarah Palin. ‘This is no indication John Howard is senile,’ a Liberal insider explained. ‘He ‘s always been like that.’ In further signs that Murdoch is on the turn, a Bill Leak cartoon showed Abbott mistaking ‘barnacles’ for oysters and ‘biting off more than he can chew’ and a Daily Telegraph editorial calling Baird’s privatisation-led proposed expenditure on roads a ‘splurge’, and praising as ‘on the right track’ a Luke Foley leading, now, ‘a more realistic and viable Labor Party’ to victory in March. Clearly Newspoll was showing, secretly, as Morgan was openly, Labor winning easily and the Liberals retaining six or seven North Shore seats, and little more. Julie Bishop astounded the world by suggesting Greste ‘serve out his sentence’ in Australia; spend, that is, six years in Goulburn Prison among hairy tattooed bikie rapists or, like David Hicks, get out early after being proved innocent. This alerted those Arabs not yet aware of it to her stupidity. Her vote on Palestine had been, of course, moronic, and likely to stir up teenage terrorism in Australia. ‘She is our finest recruiter,’ a member of IS is said to have said. Her enemy, Credlin, lately known as ‘Madam Lash’, proposed her demotion, and Abbott listened keenly. His plans, meanwhile, to save his fellow daft muscular Christian Baird from extinction proceeded apace. There would be a march of Afghanistan war veterans, Abbott decided, on Saturday, March 21, and a NSW election on Saturday, March 28. The march would be disfigured by many arrests of teenage ‘terrorists’ thought to be wearing underpants-bombs near the Cenotaph (and the Lindt Cafe) in Martin Place. Helicopters with searchlights would probe certain suburbs that night, and a ‘terrorist masterplan’ headline blaze through the Sunday papers, and occupy all media space till election night. It was a plan much like Howard declaring war on late Sunday night, and calling an election on Monday afternoon, in 2001. It had worked before. ‘Busy idle minds with foreign wars,’ as Shakespeare’s Henry IV on his deathbed advised Prince Hal, was wisdom Abbott learned well at his master’s knee. It had worked before. And it might work again. No New Year knighthoods were announced. Nor would there be on Australia Day, though the Faustian midget Phillip Ruddock pined for one, as did the Transylvanian weirdo Nick Greiner and Sinodinos, prior to sentencing. Australia’s ruler, Credlin, had forbidden any more. Abbott, though, on the day if his imminent resignation, could appoint himself to the House of Lords. On Australia Day, perhaps. And so it went. ellistabletalk/2015/01/02/the-three-worst-things-the-liberals-did-yesterday-156/
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 20:52:55 +0000

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