The Top 10 Foods That Fight Belly Fat! by Zero to Hero - TopicsExpress


The Top 10 Foods That Fight Belly Fat! by Zero to Hero Fitness Losing belly fat can be difficult for even folks who dont consider themselves overweight. Thats because, for many people, belly fat can be very stubborn if youre eating too many of the wrong foods and not enough of the right ones! Yes, there are certain foods that can specifically target belly fat, just as other tend to cause more belly fat. With that in mind, here are our top 10 belly fat fighting foods to eat more of today: 1. Avocados: These lil wonders are jam-packed with 2 nutrients that help you to fight against belly fat. The first is hunger-controlling fiber, as each Avocado contains around 15 grams! The second is monounsaturated fats, which have been shown to actually target belly fat... nice! Try adding some avocado to salads and sandwiches as a substitue for mayos and salad dressings. 2. Natural Nuts & Nut Butters: Now, were not just talking about peanuts here, but many types of nuts that have been made into spreads. Some of the best include pistachio, walnut and almond butter. They will keep you full and satisfied for long periods of time, and theyre packed with healthy, belly fat burning fats and nutrients. Other great choices are pumpkin, sunflower and flax seeds. Keep in mind that you can easily overeat nuts and nutbutters as they are calorie dense, so the trick is to eat them unsalted and unroasted. Just look to make sure the ingredients are nothing but the nuts themeselves (no oils, sugars, etc.) and youre good. 3. Cruciferous Vegetables: Research shows that certain types of veggies known as cruciferious contain special phytonutrients with all kinds of tricky names (indole-3-carbinol) that fight belly fat. They do this by protecting you from environmental estrogen that is show to specifically add belly fat to your body. Some of the best veggies to eat for this are broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, and cabbage. Dont like these veggies? Try sprinking a bit of low fat cheese on em and add some flavor and protein power at the same time! 4. Free-Range Eggs: Despite what has been said in the media in the last few years, eggs are one of the best foods on the planet, for burning belly fat and general health too. Theyre loaded with belly fat fighting protein, vitamins B6, B12, A, D, E, and K, folate, choline, lutein, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids (the best kind!). And they keep you fuller, longer. Just make sure to choose eggs from free-range chickens as youll get more nutrition in every bite. 5. Green Tea/Oolong Tea: Not only do these meatobolic boosting teas containt powerful antioxidants that help fight aging, many studies have connected them to an increase in fat burning. One particular study found that green tea boosted metabolism by about 40%, which another saw a specifc strand of Oolong tea boosting metabolism after exercise by over 250%! 6. Beans: Definitely one of the most overlooked foods in the western diet, black beans, navy beans, and lima beans all have 6 or more grams of fiber per every ½ cup. Whats so important about fiber? Simple: fiber helps you eat less, and also cleans your system of that nasty toxic buildup that causes some of the belly bulge were all interested in getting rid of.toxic waste and reduce your belly bulge in a big way. 7. Cinnamon: One of the most interesting findings in the research for fighthing belly fat is how this unique spice does just that. Cinnamon contains a certain type of antioxidant that helps insulin sensitivity and also helps regulate blood sugar levels, both of which are vital for belly fat burning. Sprinkle some on morning steel-cut oats or toss into a protein smoothie for a belly fat burning treat! 8. Chili Peppers/Chili Powder: A unique ingredient in chili peppers and chili powder called capsaicin increases metabolism, helps control your blood sugar and decreases fat storage. It also happens to be a terrific antioxidant, so make sure to sprinkle this on some lean protein sources for an extra belly fat fighting kick! 9. Wild Salmon: One of the best belly bulge busting foods is wild salmon. This is due to the high protein and omega-3 fat content of this wonderful fish. Omega-3 rich foods are sorely lacking in the western diet, as most of us eat way too many Omega-6 fats from processed vegetable oils that are used in almost every processed food out there. Cutting back in processed foods and eating more foods with Omega-3s will have you burning off much more belly fat faster. 10. Grass Fed Beef: Really, most lean protein sources are great for blasting belly fat, but with beef there is an important difference you must be aware of. Most beef available is from grain fed animals, which creates more undesireable fats in the meat that are actually unhealthy to your body. Beef from grass-fed animals, however, contains some of the healthiest fats on the planet (called CLA) which have been shown to kill belly fat. Make sure to look for grass-fed varieties when shopping at your grocery store. If your store doesnt carry these types of meats, there are many online grass-fed beef outlets that will ship them to you in a couple of days. We hope you enjoyed todays belly fat tips, so make sure youre eating more of these foods and youll automatically be on your way to dropping more of that stubborn belly flab faster. Make sure to visit zerotoherofitness regularly for more unique health and fitness tips & tricks like these and well talk soon! Zero to Hero Fitness
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 03:37:54 +0000

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