The Top Ten Things Parents Hate About Common Core - TopicsExpress


The Top Ten Things Parents Hate About Common Core (continued) The Data Collection and Populace Management Speaking of corporate cronyism, let’s talk about how Common Core enables the continued theft of kids’ and teachers’ information at the behest of governments and businesses, furthering their bottom lines and populace-control fantasies at the expense of private property and self-determination. Well, I coauthored a 400-footnote paper on this very topic. I’ll just summarize the list of direct connections between intrusive data-mining and Common Core from my favorite passage (in the section starting on page 52): 1. The documents that ‘created the (dubious) authorization for Common Core define the initiative as curriculum mandates plus tests. The tests are the key instrument of data collection. 2. Common Core architect David Coleman has confirmed that special-interests deliberately packaged data mining into Common Core. 3. Common Core creates an enormous system of data classification for education. It’s probably easiest to think of it as an enormous filing system, like the equivalent of the Dewey Decimal System for lessons, textbooks, apps, and everything else kids learn. That’s by design. 4. States using the national, federally funded Common Core tests have essentially turned over control of what data they collect on children to private organizations that are overseen by no elected officials. Those organizations have promised complete access to kids’ data to the federal government. 5. Common Core and data vacuuming are philosophically aligned—they both justify themselves as technocratic, progressive solutions to human problems. The ultimate goal is using data to “seamlessly integrate” education and the economy. In other words, we learned nothing from the USSR.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:49:22 +0000

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