The Topic ”Religion” is one all Human beings Always shy away - TopicsExpress


The Topic ”Religion” is one all Human beings Always shy away from discussing, well i want us all to contribute on it today. Now Lets Ignore All The Violent Verses In The Quran And Scrutinize just the 5 Pillars Of Islam…. Firstly to All My Muslim Brothers I Admit i Am Misguided so the below article is my own personal opinion i mean that’s exactly what it is ”My Own Personal Opinion”…So Before Anybody Jumps Up And start Saying ‘‘Somto Who Gave You The Right To Judge Islam”? Well I will Tell you.. It would interest you to Know That Been A Muslim Includes An Ideology That We Christians Are ”Misguided” I Mean All Muslim Around The World Have Scrutinized Christians/Christianity As A Whole And They Came to The Conclusion That We Christians Are Misguided meaning we donnot understand the teachings of our Lord Jesus christ and we are Condemned to Hell fire so they where the First To Do The ”Judgings” and Not Me… so i do not see any reason why Muslims should get offended unless except he or she agrees with me that what i am saying might be 100% true… if not i would advise you allow your Allah to strike me from heaven himself rather than drop any hateful comment…The Only True Muslims I Know That Exists are Prophet Muhammad, Ottoman Empire, Usman Dan Fodio, Osama Bin Laden, ISIS, And Boko Haram… All Peaceful Muslims Are Fraud At The End Of The Article I Leave You With Just One Assignment. Who are Really The Misguided? Read And Stay Blessed… Now Am Going To Give You 5 Reasons Why I Think Islam Is The Biggest Idolatry Pegan Scam Of All Time NUMBER ONE The first pillar Of Islam is the ”Testimony Of Faith” This is to declare that Allah is the one and only creator god and Muhammad is his Apostle. As i always point out, the name ”Allah” actually Is the Actual name of a pagan idol god of the moon Rather Than What You Muslims Where Deceived to Believe That It means The Word ”GOD” in ”ARABIC”. Now With What I Just Said Recite the First Pillar Of Islam…. ”I DECLARE THAT THERE IS NO ”GOD” BUT ”ALLAH” Declaring this testimony of faith Is Unknowingly Denouncing Your BELIEVE IN THE TRUE GOD OF THE BIBLE WHO’S NAME HE TOLD US WAS JEHOVAH, EL, YAHWEH And Declaring your Belief in a pagan idol, allowing the demon who has possessed that idol free rein to possess whosoever declares this testimony. I believe Muhammad is truly the apostle of the pagan idol Allah and it’s possessing demon, whom I believe to be none other than Satan himself. Now Take A Look At The ”Bible” A Book Which Muslims Fail to Read Also the Book They Claim The Quran Is Continuation Of…. Deut 13:1-3 “If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams ( How else did muhammad claim to receive his revelation from god???), appears among you and announces to you a miraculous sign or wonder, and if the sign or wonder of which he has spoken takes place, and he says, ‘Let us follow other gods’ (gods you have not known e.g Allah) ‘and let us worship them,’ you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Also Read (2 Timothy:3:13) So not only do they deceive others. These false teachers (E.g Muhammad) themselves are deceived. This Verse Clearly Explains itself … If Only All Muslims Can Stop Reading The Bible From Quran And Get First Hand Knowledge From the Bible Itself. SOLUTION FOR POINT NUMBER ONE Now This Problem Can Be Fixed Easily The Whole Of Muslim World Can Easily Fix the Problem by Changing One Word In The First Pillar of Islam And In All Of Their Quran…. Remove The Arabic translation of God ”Allah” and Replace it with one of his Actual names which he told us in the bible i.e JEHOVAH, EL, YAHWEH…Then The First Pillar Of Islam will Go Like This…. I DECLARE THAT THERE’S NO ”GOD” BUT ”JEHOVAH”…. I promise you my friend i Will be the first to convert to Islam… How hard Could this actually be??? Afterall The Word ”Allah” is Just The Word ”G.O.D” in Arabic Right???? NUMBER TWO Is The second pillar of islam ”the ritual prayer Salat” which is done five times a Day Constantly Reassuring The Devil Regularly That you are Enslaved to him….. now notice how you keep reassuring the devil in your prayers…. The Islamic believer’s hands are raised and he says “ ”ALLAH” is most ”Great”, the hands are then joined at the chest and the worshiper says, “ Glory be to You, O ”ALLAH”, Yours is the praise, blessed is Your ”NAME”, exalted is Your ”Majesty” and there is no god but ”YOU”. I take refuge with ”Allah” against the devil who is stoned.” Now i can go on and on but i will stop here Because Allah Been Such A Genius Has Mentioned his Real Name ”Devil”….. Remember The Devil Is Such A Genius and he is the Greatest Deceiver of All time (A Trait which allah Actually Admitted in Qur’an 3:54, Qur’an 8:30,Most Importantly Read Our Allah Deceived Muhammad For A good Cause in Quran 8:43-44.. Was Also one of His Characteristics)… Firstly Your Question should Be Who is the Devil and what is his Objective??? Let Me Tell you The Answer The Devil Has Only One Objective ”Worship any other thing Except The True God Jehovah” that’s all… Unlike what people believe, devil actually dosen’t want people kneeling and glorifying his real name ”Devil”…as long as you are Going Contrary to what the Bible Taught Then The Devil Is Satisfied….Unlike The Bible It was Meant To Be Studied… also understand why believers of Islam are commanded to recite the Qur’an rather than to study the Qur’an. To study means to dissect and analyze. I believe that analysis of the Qur’an will reveal numerous inconsistencies that will generate doubt in the truth of Islam. SOLUTION FOR POINT NUMBER TWO Now This Problem Can Be Fixed very Easily, adopt my solution for problem 1 that is change the word ”Allah” to ”Jehovah” though we christians are sons of God(Jehovah) but since muslims prefer to be slaves to God they can have the position but first Give All Muslims The Bible and Quran.. Since bible is downgraded version of the quran you read it first then read the quran second and see if these 2 books are in anyway related. NUMBER THREE Is The fourth pillar of Islam ”The Annual Fast in the month of Ramadan”. Depriving oneself of sustenance on command is an act of obedience and subservience The Allah. I Personally believe This Means , once a year, believers of Islam are to rededicate themselves to acknowledging, in a very tangible and personal way, that the pagan idol named Allah is their master. Note This month was the month muhammad Claims to have Received his first divine Revelation… So Observing the Rituals Of Ramadan is Like Saying ” I there By Accept The Revelation Of Muhammad And Confirm My Allegiance to ”Allah” And Further more Falsify the Existence Of The Only True God of the Bible ”Jehovah” for the Next 30days” Amen!!!. SOLUTION FOR POINT NUMBER THREE Solution If Only You had Implemented solution 1 and 2 we wouldn’t have even came to this. NUMBER FOUR No 4. Is The fifth pillar of Islam ”the Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca” LMAO Oh My Brother This Is So Funny…Firstly Before We start Use Your Dictionary and find out the meaning of The word ”Pilgrimage” Because Mine Says ”A pilgrimage is a journey or search of moral or spiritual significance. Typically, it is a journey to a ”SHRINE” or other location of importance to a person’s beliefs and faith”..Lol Islam Was The Religion That Made The Word ”SHRINE” Sound Cool… Now Define The Word ”Pegan” mine says ”a person holding ”religious beliefs” other than those of the ”Main” World ”Religions” ” Lol Bro….Our Society As A Whole Is Indeed A Biatch….Now Rewind To 600years After The Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ…. The ”Main” Religion was Just Christianity And Islam Was Non Existent Any Body Who Didnt Accept Christianity Would have Probably Had A Shrine So Was Worshiping Other gods so There Came The Invention of The Word ”Pegan”… but then Muhammad came Started Teaching Is ”Pegan” Beliefs And The Moment He Was Able To Convert Half Of Mankind Into Muslims He ”Upgraded” And The Word ”Isam” Could no Longer Be Classified Into The Group Of ”Pegans” Because it was now part of ”Main Religions” Now Back to No 4. It is recommended that a believer in Islam performs the Hajj at least once in his lifetime. I believe that this pilgrimage is a further act of obeisance to the pagan idol, named Allah. The Hajj, as practiced by believers of Islam today, appears to be a re-enactment of Muhammad’s last pilgrimage on 9 March 632 AD. The ceremonies included the wearing of special pilgrim dress, the travel from Medina (Yathrib) to Mecca, the ritual throwing of stones at the devil at Mudzalifa, the slaughtering of sacrificial animals at Mina, and the seven time circumambulation of the Ka’ba. I believe that every detail of the ceremony as laid down by Muhammad has a demonic significance. The ritual throwing of stones at the devil is a deceptive ploy to dupe the believer of Islam that mere stone throwing will hurt a demon. The slaughtering of sacrificial animals is to mimic the story of Abraham and the cutting of the covenant between El-Elyon and Abraham, in order to lend legitimacy to Islam. However, I believe with the shedding of innocent blood in this sacrifice, a blood covenant is being cut between the pagan idol, named Allah and the unsuspecting pilgrim. The Ka’ba was a pagan shrine to 360 idols even before Muhammad was born. It was originally a four walled building containing pictures and stone idols. In one of its walls is a stone, believed to be a meteorite, which was worshipped as Al-Uzza, one of the three female idols referred to in the Satanic verses contained in the original, unexpurgated version of Sura 53 of the Qur’an. The Ka’ba was rebuilt and roofed in 605 AD when Muhammad was 35 years of age. It was the practice of the Quraish tribe of Mecca to worship the pagan idols by walking and running around (circumambulating) the Ka’ba and touching the Black Stone. Muhammad practiced this idol worship before his encounter with who he thought was the angel Gabriel at the age of 40 in 610 AD. Even after the call, he continued the practice of worshipping at the Ka’ba in spite of his insistence that there was only one god. Except for a period when he directed his followers to worship in the direction of Jerusalem, Muhammad required that the Salat, or the 5 times daily devotions be directed (Qibla) towards the Ka’ba in Mecca. When Muhammad returned to Mecca in victory in 630 AD, he entered the Ka’ba and ordered all the painted figures on the walls to be erased and all idols in areas under his control to be destroyed. It is believed by believers of Islam that the Ka’ba was the site of a shrine built by Abraham to worship his God. This is an attempt to lend legitimacy to the Qibla. However, Abraham was never in the vicinity of Mecca in his lifetime. I believe the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca and the ritualistic circumambulation of the Ka’ba is a continuation of the pagan worship before the birth of Muhammad. After the return of Muhammad to Mecca, instead of patently worshiping many pagan idols, pilgrims are unwittingly worshiping one pagan idol called Allah. I believe the touching of the Black Stone seals the covenant between the pagan idol named Allah and the pilgrim. I believe this is the reason why believers of Islam are required to go for the Hajj at least once in their lifetime. SOLUTION FOUR NUMBER FOUR As A Muslim You Need First Hand Account Of All Activities Which Took Place In The Bible. FINALLY NUMBER FOUR the The 6th Unwritten Most Important Pillar Of Islam ”JIHAD” (Holy War) The Quran Commands that Muhammad’s actions are to be followed ”FOR ALL TIME”. Quran 33:21 Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day, and who remembers Allah often. If anyone is waiting for the Islamic world to tear apart the Islamic scriptures, and condemn the actions of Muhammad, they are only fooling themselves. “Moderate” Islam is not coming to the rescue. Take a side, the freedom of our families future generations is depending on us. Because As A Muslim you are required to go to war to defend Islam or to spread Islam . The Fact that A Country Does Not Accept Islam Is Enough Reason to Wage Jihad Against It. A man who dies in Jihad immediately goes to Paradise and is considered a martyr. Quran (4:95) – “Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons. Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward,-” This passage criticizes “peaceful” Muslims who do not join in the violence, letting them know that they are less worthy in Allah’s eyes. It also demolishes the modern myth that “Jihad” doesn’t mean holy war in the Quran, but rather a spiritual struggle. Not only is the Arabic word used in this passage, but it is clearly not referring to anything spiritual, since the physically disabled are given exemption. (The Hadith reveals the context of the passage to be in response to a blind man’s protest that he is unable to engage in Jihad and this is reflected in other translations of the verse)… SOLUTION TO NUMBER FIVE Well Quran (4:95) Put In Lame Man English Means All Peaceful Muslims Are Going to be SLAVES In Heaven While Prophet Muhammad, Osama Bin Laden, Caliph Ibrahim(ISIS), And Abubakar Shekau(Boko Haram) All Have First Class Suite There….This Has Made Me Come to The Conclusion that if Any Day I CHOOSE TO CONVERT TO ISLAM THEN I WOULD MAKE PROPHET MUHAMMAD/ISIS/BOKO HARAM MY IDOL AND BEHEAD THE LIVING DAY LIGHT OUT OF CHRISTIANS/JEWS/IDOLATORS/AND INFIDEL PEACEFUL MUSLIMS WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ”WHY???”…Because Quran 5:101 Says we should never question the Quran…. Also Quran 5:72 Says The Only Sin That Cannot Be Forgiving Is Accepting Jesus as your Lord… The Quran Also Made it Clear That All Muslims Are All Slaves To Allah??? And Quran (4:95) says The Only Way to Upgrade is By Jihad???? OBSERVATION The Reason Most Muslims Really Dont Want to Convert to Christianity is Because of 2 Major Reasons One Subconscious Factors That Is They Would Have To Give Up A Lot Of Their Beliefs Basically Its Exactly Like What Christ Said Been ”Born Again”… Secondly This Quranic Verse Quran (5:72) They have certainly disbelieved who say, ” Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary” while the Messiah has said, “O Children of Israel, worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord.” Indeed, he who associates others with Allah – Allah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.”………………..……………….In Plain English This Verse Says That Whoever Believes Jesus Is Lord Is Going To Hell And Basically This Is The Only Unforgivable Sin In Islam ”Shirk” SO INSTEAD My Muslim Brothers Why Not CHOSE TO BE A CHRISTIAN MEANING ”CHRIST LIKE” SHAWORING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ON THE WHOLE OF MANKIND. THATS JUST MY OWN OPINION… TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK???
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 20:49:08 +0000

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