The Trecena of Truth - Tijax ~ Flint ~ Etznab December 29th, 2014 - TopicsExpress


The Trecena of Truth - Tijax ~ Flint ~ Etznab December 29th, 2014 to January 10th, 2015 Reflection, Spiritual Warrior, Self-Sacrificing Healer and Defender, Facing the Truth with Strength. To the Ancient Maya, Tijax symbolized the consciousness of duality, right and wrong, good and evil, faith and fear, the spiritual warrior who, through his actions, chooses the ethical and moral path. The symbolic knife can be healing (as used by a surgeon or curandero) or destructive (as used by a fighter). This recognition of the duality allows each of us the opportunity to transcend pain and suffering by choosing to live in joy and gratitude. As Kenneth Johnson states in Jaguar Wisdom, “Indeed, it is only when we have become aware of the duality of human existence that we are in fact awakened to the healing potential that lies within all of us. If the sword of consciousness that makes us aware of duality can wound us, it can also heal.” There is evidence of another ancient interpretation of the Tijax glyph. According to Tony Shearer in Beneath the Moon and Under the Sun, there was a Maya story told to Friar Juan de Cordova on the day of Tijax about a light coming from the Sun as a Solar Beam bringing with it the “Book of Days” which we know as the Sacred Calendar or Chol q’ij / Tzolkin. “On the day we call Tecpatl (Tijax) a great light came from the northeastern sky. It glowed for four days in the sky, then lowered itself to that rock (the rock can still be seen at Tenochtitlan de Valle in Oaxaca). From the light there came a great, a very powerful being who stood on the very top of the rock and glowed like the sun in the sky. There he stood for all to see, shining day and night. Then he spoke, his voice was like thunder, booming across the valley. Our old men and women, the astronomers and astrologists, could understand him and he could understand them. He (the Solar Beam) told us how to pray and fixed for us days of fast and feasting. He then balanced the“Book of days,” (Sacred Calendar) and left, vowing that he would always watch down on us, his beloved people.” Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at 13, with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted as a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest in the beginning. This Trecena crests on: 6 Aq’ab’al ~ Dawn, journeying within to open the heart; 7 K’at ~ Net, symbolizing the dynamic emergence of the seed into awareness; and 8 Kan ~ Serpent, representing the Celestial Life Force or Chi energy that activates the connection between the spiritual and physical world. As we journey through each day of this Trecena - Utilize the energy of Tijax to transcend the duality offered by the third dimension and move into a higher vibration or dimension of wholeness and unity. - William and Viola Welsch tzolkincalendar mayanmajix/lab_F1.html
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:31:58 +0000

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