The Trial and Error All human knowledge is contrary to God, - TopicsExpress


The Trial and Error All human knowledge is contrary to God, for his seed or gene is disobedience and pride, constituting it, in the worst alternative of subtle deception to this perverse generation. He, The Elohim The Great God Almighty Creator and ...! founder of everything in the universe: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Gn.1: 1). And God said ... and everything was done: light, seas, animals, plants, the stars, the sky, culminating his work to create perfection, the crown of creation-the man, machinery unsurpassed made in the likeness of He. This is the only true science, God, since He is the creator. The so-called human science does not create, but only transforms its environment according to pre-existing elements and manipulates arbitrarily according to their ignorant judgment. No measured consequences, but circumstantial acts whims and interests of the moment and not through a universal criterion well, much less eternal. Human science is arrogant and selfish, causing mood egolátrico its possessor. The Divine Science oversees all in perfect balance. While Elohim was given all creation there was no error, until-schadenfreude-undermined the mind and heart of the perfect, leading-malice and as a result the disobedience, coming to the arrogance of wanting to be better than everyone, including the same creator, calling it superb. These two rotten elements were put into play to challenge the evil ... and you will be like God, knowing good and evil (Gn.3: 5). Is this, then, the seed and origin of human science so venerated, before which man remains prostrate, giving his effort, time and life itself, to achieve some alms from poor and limited benefits to be paid with the loss the hope of eternal life: For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospels will save For what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world. and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give for his soul? (Mr.8 :35-37). Since the beginning of human science is based on The Trial and The Error, or put another way is to test or try an alternative and see if it works or not. I wonder: why try something that God has already approved, demonstrated by the works done and seen by all? Why do we suffer in trying to work ... maybe? Adam lost confidence in his God (his faith), he lost his freedom, his Eden and today roams the world in the vanity of his heart under the goofy philosophy: The Trial and The Error, being hurt and wounded, but his pride is unable to recognize that their scientific method is a true and real failure, fail and try again, to fail again. The results: a corrupt society, a destroyed environment, etc.. Although both medical and technological progress, men do not live more than what God has already defined, these failures are more eloquent than any human theory. If only we believed it to God, Elohim, our life and future destiny would be more than safe on the understanding. Earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell in it because he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the floods it (Psalm 24 :1-2). But no, the man did not hear the advice, the child does not obey the father or the teacher, like the teen and the old obsolete, thinks he knows everything and every one of us experience the failure of the trial and error ;., foolish, we still continually stumbling, suffering damage sometimes irreparable, punishing unjustly even those we love and are part of our What is the most praiseworthy and perfect at all levels to current science, perhaps awarded a Nobel or other, that men give themselves tomorrow by another trial and error will be relegated to an outdated and even ridiculous memory, so: ... let God be true and every man a liar ... (Ro.3: 4), and the just shall live by faith. Faith is believing God like a child, without malice, but everything is dark, knowing that he has complete control of our life and death, understanding that there is nothing without purpose for a son that our hairs are numbered, and that even in these times of materialism city can keep doing miracles and wonders, but that only those who believe unconditionally, which is entrusted to throw your arms of love and say, ... for me to live is Christ and to die is gain (Phi.1: 21). But, not everyone has faith. We pray to God by faith! without knowing that it is impossible to please God, not give our future and existence to the so-called science, which will bring us frustration and erratic partial-solutions-that desubican us the way to eternal life. Blessed is the man who has his strength in you, in whose heart are the ways (Psa.84: 5) Lets fight for the faith! and sure one day we will be forever with the Elohim Have mercy on us! Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 02:37:09 +0000

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